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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Step Brothers The Holy Grail
  2. Great sound imho!
  3. No way, as much as I would love to, I respect Steve grant and his rules which I believe I have followed very clearly yet cleverly. However if anyone should pm me asking for his real name, well, I can only oblige.
  4. Hmm tempting but posting his full name may result in a perm ban for me!
  5. I know full well I won't get the cash back as he is a sad man with no morals, however I do hope he reads this thread and at least acknowledges his lies, especially about pleading poverty and having two blind kids and a dying mother yet trekking off round Europe!!!
  6. It was for 2 kittens and if knew his current address I would go round and take garden furniture et sl.
  7. And your e-mail pleading poverty was dated May 2010.
  8. Not if he/it hasn't registered though and I am in receipt of information now that I am not the only one he owes money to, guess he is an illusive and bad person, could have put that in better words buy hey this is a family forum. Can I just say that everything I have said on this thread tonight is a true fact. I am still owed £500 and excuse after excuse was offered by dsm, funny that he didn't mention the 'cheque that never was though'
  9. Tried that then he moved and lives in a place rented I guess as nothing in his name anymore!
  10. I am seeing a solicitor and I have cut and paste this whole thread as I knew with enough bait that DSM would finally admit non payment, whatever the reason!!! HOOKED line and sinker!!! Thanks all!.
  11. Ok, thanks guys, I'll probably get a lifetime ban for this tonight so it's been fun and nice knowing you all, albeit on a forum!!! COYR!!!!
  12. Did that - civil matter so they wouldn't get involved.
  13. I promised him I would do this at some point Hatch so had to stand by it really - MIAOEW!!!!!
  14. If I had his damn address to send the writ to I would but he has moved. Oh and neither me or my Husband went mental as he claimed, we gave him every opportunity to pay the money, granted DSM is correct in what he says about paying in installments, but he e-mailed me saying a fiver here and there, to which I said no to. He knew full well when he took the kittens away that he had absolutely no intention of paying me the cash for them and as I text him at the time, I will never trust anyone ever again - you live you learn, however DSM. I have said I WILL pursue this and I mean it, Mason (LOL) or not.
  15. Christ, just went through ,y e-mails and found this beauty - DSM kept claiming he was due a payment from a company he had worked for - Sorry Jill, lost your email somehow. I’ve still not got the cheque and I’m getting a bit miffed. If it doesn’t arrive today I’m going to give them a roasting on Monday. Will mail you then. Sorry Lee DSM - I have checked and I have them ALL!!! Now where do you wish to clear this up?
  16. http://www.bengalkittenlist.co.uk/adverts/bengal-cats-for-sale-516.htm And DSM - Jazz is one of these and if the kittens were pure bred I would have charged you £1.5k - damn good job they weren't hey - however, you took 2 females so no doubt you are quids in by now! You selfish low life scumbag. I paid, yes PAID £850 for Jazz.
  17. Well in a way I guess as her Father seemed to pull the proverbial wool over her eyes.
  18. Yeah, in his dreams like he is a registered Solicitor!!!!!!! I think NOT
  19. Oh and on the actual day you brought your family to my house, you took me to one side and said - Jill, I'll bring the money over in 2 days, I have told my daughter they are free" - LIAR LIAR LIAR
  20. LOLage, I asked him to return them and I have those e-mails - does he? funny that all that happened 3 days after he picked the kittens up? - I WILL post the -mails which prove that all this unfortunate stuff happened week after week after week after week - get a grip, anyhoo, DSM, I AM COMING FOR YOU!!!
  21. You have a PM
  22. Now, what e-mail from him to post - shall we have a poll? 1. My daughter is blind 2. My mother-in-law has had a stroke 3. My son is possibly paralysed 4. I am skint Jill and simply don't have the money! YOU DECIDE as I have them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Don't give a stuff about class, just want the £500 thats owed too me by a bloody liar.
  24. Without posting specifics, are any of our lovely members qualified and current solicitors? I have an issue that I just can't let go. Several, well more than that members of this forum know what I mean. Any contact would be appreciated - oh and DSM, I mean CURRENTLY registered Solicitors, of which you are not so stop spouting off on legal issues, I have already had you checked out MATE!
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