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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. If you fancy Crouchie then fine. Lol.
  2. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - please can you let us know what his response was, cheers.
  3. I realise that I was just being 'nice'. Tbf though, the hours you guys put in to running this place I do find unbelievable. Granted Essruu has B-anter but I doubt he has had to work overnight to sort it out ever.
  4. Exactly, I rmember when S4E closed, you had people constantly asking for a new forum then again when TMS was introduced (I think from memory) so good work and those that appreciate the hard work you guys do will contribute, those that don't won't. If I were you I would stop andsering the profit questions, I mean seriously, £100 profit, have a few sessions on us!
  5. http://www.cowesharbourweather.com/webcam.aspx
  6. Didn't someone post a link to the cameras last week, that would help. I believe they are situated on Calshot boating club or something.
  7. If and when you do go, please can I have a bass.
  8. I would rather they stay up and we get promoted tbh.
  9. Did you punch him and was he drunk?
  10. Please give us a brief report of what you got up to while you were there, eg. going to the water park and drinking ****tails.
  11. Lighten up ffs.
  12. Shame, according to Sky Sports we should have won, oh well.
  13. Don't you just love people who look on the bright side. It is 1 game ffs.
  14. Balls leaving the ground (I always wondered what happened to them - still do) You lot coming into my nan's pub before games and being let in the side entrance so as to keep the away fans out. Tomato soup. Freezing to death at January mid week matches. Hanging around on Saturday mornings to collect autographs. Getting on the coaches to join the convoy to go to away matches. The tiny supporters shop. Many many more including the very last game, seeing people walk up Milton Road with literally a row of seats was awesome.
  15. It's a matchday, not many people around as per usual at this time on a Saturday during the season.
  16. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
  17. Splendid.
  18. GB / Kemp 15th Aug / 20:55 7f Hcap Greystoke PrinceBack587906321115-Aug-08 20:47 C2.6 10.00 2.6(10.00) O GB / Kemp 15th Aug / 20:55 7f Hcap Minus FifteenBack587904409915-Aug-08 20:44 C6.8 5.00 6.829.00 O GB / Kemp 15th Aug / 20:55 To Be Placed Emperors JadeBack587904175215-Aug-08 20:44 C6.6 5.00 6.6(5.00) O GB / Catt 15th Aug / 19:15 To Be Placed Real DiamondBack587784451415-Aug-08 18:59 C8.2 5.00 8.236.00 O GB / Catt 15th Aug / 20:15 7f Hcap King HarsonBack587781966415-Aug-08 18:56 C6.6 5.00 6.6(5.00)
  19. I did lie, I had 1st, 2nd, and 3rd - all to be placed though sadly.
  20. Get in, 1st and 2nd.
  21. I have backed both.
  22. Kings Wonder to be placed.
  23. Rubbish, I now have a tenner on a Saints win tomorrow!!!
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