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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Get you, you engineer you.
  2. You have a strange willeh.
  3. Sounds like a blast, not. Shaney - do you coast the south looking for accidents and road kill aswell?
  4. What exactly is 'pub watch'?
  5. I went up this one, was strange as you can go outside at the top on a viewing platform and see for absolutely miles, awesome.
  6. Many times Yes No Yes Yes - only to get the steak cooked properly though, got the meal back Yes
  7. Tonight - cooking a meal for a few people for my mum's birthday, rack of lamb with all the trimmings Tomorrow - work but will do very little and leave at 4pm. Making a curry in the evening for a bunch of friends who are coming over, drink lots Saturday - mow the lawns (weather depending) clean, drink Sunday - washing, cook dinner for me and step son to be, chill Monday - no idea, no plans as yet, depends on weather I guess
  8. We booked ours today, Grosvenor Casino, 4 course meal with free gambling vouchers etc, 19th December.
  9. Weetabix or Rice Krispies at the moment, sometimes Cornflakes.
  10. I also partake in late night bowls of cereal, what is your cereal of choice?
  11. Are you a pea?
  12. And why not?
  13. Even the horses are being banned for taking drugs now ffs! http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics/equestrian/7574220.stm
  14. Had those at a water park in Galveston, lovely. Also Mojo Sauce from The Canaries and garlic mushrooms from there also, served in a clay bowl still sizzling. Baj - aren't Lifesavers just giant polo's?
  15. Why do you want to know anyway?
  16. I am disappointed that Aids Victim hasn't used one of his posts to reply on this thread.
  17. Where do they get their clothes and shoes?
  18. Eat: Rack of lamb with mint sauce/veg/gravy/roast pots Sea Bass with baby pots and salad Strawberries with extra thick cream and melted toblerone Drink: Martini Margarita Water
  19. Jillyanne


  20. Unidentified Flying Cameron?
  21. Excercise - christ, all they do is run around, climb up doors and sit on the top of then, sit up on top of the kitchen cupboards. Believe me they get plenty of bloody excercise!
  22. Stratosphere Tower & rides in Las Vegas apparently. No thanks.
  23. I have 2 pedigree Bengals and have no problems at all, apart from their farts absolutely stink!
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