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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. Lol, how many texts do I get from him saying "I was only joking, it's just a bit of fun" which I believe is what Baj has quoted - see the pattern here? I will forward them to you if you like, LOL!!! Check with him as to what he has texted me before saying stuff like that if I were you JB.
  2. I forgot to add - lol at Essruu for claiming to know about what Nathan Dyer was doing for community service first and treating it as a competition, going so far as having a thread about it on b-anter. Then having a posting match with Baj - lol. Sad thing is there is a lady that works in that shop who is my best friends Nan and I knew even before Ess did as she was looking after him. I would have posted that on b-anter but some sad person has disabled my account. LOL!!!
  3. I predicted this, lol at JB sticking up for her boyfriend who has used his 3 posts. Rivalry - please JB, anyone who reads b-anter can quite clearly see the rivalry. Even to the point of Ess asking Baj to post traffic information, I guess so he can compare - no comparison then lol.
  4. Lol @ Essruu not only being totally owned but him using his quota for today on this thread. Read B-anter people - you will learn how bitter and jealous he really is.
  5. If your parents aren't back til later tonight, I would get it sorted yourself Vicki, best put her out of her misery as the reason she won't let you near her is because she is embarassed about the accidents she is having etc, poor thing. I am no vet, just going by what the vet said to my mum when her cat was out down a few weeks ago.
  6. PL - do your vets provide an out of hours service, you may want to call them and forewarn them that you might be calling tonight. Sounds like it is time for her to go though mate.
  7. My mum recently had her cat put down at home, called the vet out and he and a nurse came over. It was a good thing that the cat was in her environment sat on her chair when she went, however I footed the bill and it was £280.00 - that included having the cat cremated and the ashes being put in a little hand made box with the cats name engraved on a plaque on the outside of the box.
  8. Sugar coated scorpions?
  9. Might help Master Bates with the 'munchies'
  10. One in Totton near Eling Tide Mill is the best one.
  11. He probably thinks you are underage Bates.
  12. Glad to hear it, I would hate to think of you slacking.
  13. It's a dog ffs, not Thora Herd.
  14. You are going to get FAT!
  15. Just have a beer or ten.
  16. Not getting the mushroom MB.
  17. Lol, I don't think so from what I know of him.
  18. Exactly, the Irish Club in Eastleigh is where it's at.
  19. Or go to Winchester on 'pub watch'.
  20. Did the pilot/co-pilot survive the crash does anyone know?
  21. I had 2 frogs in my lounge this morning, 1 dead and 1 alive, scared stiff, trying to keep as still as possible so the cats didn't do to him what they had done to his mate.
  22. I wish. Basically as far as I am concerned it is the weekend now as I plan to do nothing work wise tomorrow.
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