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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. surely 13 is hoot
  2. Rust inside the washing drum, this is a fact.
  3. Get off the fence!
  4. Yes, go toward the light
  5. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  6. Lettuce hope not.
  7. Took a while to work out tbh and still find it tricky, the fact that my bolt on is massive makes no sense until if course I actually find a planet/moon etc!!!
  8. It's the one down from this - http://www.amazon.co.uk/SkyWatcher-Explorer-200P-1000-EQ5-Telescope/dp/B002OTZZPA/ref=sr_1_23?ie=UTF8&qid=1332872123&sr=8-23
  9. I am not an expert in any shape or form and my telescope is a basic £350 one and has 5 lenses. I used a book to fins Saturn, changed the lens twice and bingo! I wouldn't say it's in perfect focus but definitely visable.
  10. Jillyanne


  11. Just been out with my telescope, very impressive and the rings around Saturn are pretty impressivw in this clear sky too.
  12. Jillyanne


  13. Jillyanne


    PM me your e-mail and I will send you the pics and contact details of the landscaper I used.
  14. Jillyanne


    Just had our garden completely re-turfed, I would post before and after pics if I knew how!!!
  15. How very dare you - he did before we met!!!
  16. Lol, he works away for six months of the year!!!
  17. No more than 7-10 mins
  18. Just do the business and go, don't make an event out of it!!! Must be a man thing?
  19. Ok, it changes between paper and iPad!!!
  20. Please try and explain? I seriously don't get it!!??!!
  21. Is it just men who do this? My Dad always did and the hubby does - WHY???
  22. Thats good!
  23. Shanklin, IOW.
  24. Forever Autumn (from War of the Worlds) You are not Alone - MJ Cherish - Kool & The Gang
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