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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. posters not players ffs!
  2. He is not a mangey moggy, he is a Silver Rosette Leopard Bengal.
  3. No Dune but I have just bought a new one and have paid yes PAID £850 for him
  4. That's fine, hubby is back next week and also the in laws are down from Jockland so at least I will get to see them before the end is nigh. What is the point in cleaning the house though? Pretty sure if it's the end of the world then our houses will also be wiped out. Pretty annoyed about the money I have paid into pensions though!
  5. To the techno spastics on here, all you have to do is get the updates to the new IOS5 which costs nothing!!!
  6. One of my best friends is a Policeman and he is a lovely guy - HTH
  7. Not if you document everything and have witness statements.
  8. RIP, but unsure of the 9/11 thing
  9. Is this not cheating???
  10. This is over 25 years not 1 night!!!
  11. England India Scotland Oireland Wales USA Canada Jamaica This probably makes me a sl*g whereas all the male's have been congratulated!!!
  12. Finger Mouse The Flumps Bagpuss Chockies Children Silas Huckleberry Finn Dark Towers (watched it at school) She-Ra Hart to Hart Dallas Dynasty The Colbys Supergran Probably a shed load more!
  13. Seattle, didn't realise you worked in the Aerospace or Energy Industry!
  14. Jillyanne


    Right, speaking as someone who ACTUALLY KNOWS - my Brother is gay and married, however they are now separated and have to be for 2 years before a divorce is granted (even though one of them has admitted complete fault) they have the same legalities as hetrosexual marriages (in this country anyway) and that was a CP.
  15. Ok tell him well bloody done from me then!!
  16. Jillyanne


    My Husband works away for 6 months of the year and people always ask me how our marriage works!!! It just does, we have a fab time when he is here and he spoils me rotten. I like my own company though so not really an issue being on my own - oh I forgot, I also have his bank card when he is away!!
  17. Done!!! Tell him good luck from me please.
  18. Why is he not posting this himself, surely he isn't still banned - oh and he is a top bloke for what it's worth
  19. Edit, just seen the announcement
  20. Thank God for that, thought it was just me!!!
  21. Didn't the 'Ignore' thing come from people being rather abusive, arguementative (sp) and using various usernames like Beckenham for one!!!
  22. Google Mr Jangles
  23. 9 - something model?
  24. Jesus Hamster and I have met you and you didn't look anywhere close to 200 years old!!! Do you own a small mouse?
  25. As in to peer round a corned and Pier
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