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Everything posted by Jillyanne

  1. In 1977 (Jubilee year), Wade won it so maybe just maybe....................... not a hope!!!
  2. Is this now the longest thread in the world ever?
  3. Worked for my close
  4. One of the best episodes!
  5. No, I am 'suggesting' that she smiles when she meets everyone, no doubt she has been well conditioned to over 60 years.
  6. My Mum met the queen a few weeks ago and shook her hand and as I was taking the pics I can say she had the same smile/expression as meeting that idiot today.
  7. Oh and 95% of racegoers are emblazened with the most strange clothing, tweed, red/yellow/blue trousers and look retarded.
  8. Hatch just because your thing seems to be horses doesn't mean you should 'diss' other sports! Murray may well surprise us? who knows. Did you do well at Royal Ascot btw?
  9. That's as it may be but Murray is leading on match stats against him. Can you not just support the British players FFS!
  10. Astro?
  11. Guy I was at school with died age 26 from CJD, didn't put me off though.
  12. I can't post pics but christ look at Ronaldinho's place on Google images
  13. Wrong, if your lawn is that bad, new turf is the only answer. You (like myself) have yourself to blame as most weeds are airborn - like the little spores we all call fairies!!! lawns need to be mowed twice per week to stop the fairies and other spores bedding into the grass. Believe me I know what I am talking about, just had new lawns laid front and back for the same bloody problem. One the cat front, yes again, keep the lawn short.
  14. Ah ok, fair enough then.
  15. Why are you selling it?
  16. -War Lords - you think the Dalek's are involved?
  17. I love veg and salad ingredients but both my brothers hate all veg yet we were all fed the same food as young children. strange.
  18. If you actually watched that you would realise it's much more than a 'fluke of birth'
  19. Just finished putting up bunting all round our house, looks great
  20. I think we all died, I could be wrong?
  21. How young are you?
  22. Rule 1 (later obviously)
  23. when we die do we come back as rats
  24. Why would you use a pressure washer to clean a car?
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