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Everything posted by Dellman

  1. If Herr Liebherr can fly in from abroad each week after saving our life it is the least I can do to get over from West Dorset, it's the only way I can show my gratitude. I am still amazed that he should take on the sinking ship which we were, now we must do our part in making it work, of course we will pass 20 thousand on Saturday and soon 25thou.
  2. Can anyone remind me how Lawrie got on when he deserted us for Sunderland?
  3. Out of bottom four by Cmas must be the target and if that rate is maintained we would be mid table by March, and then, I can't work the next bit out but it could become more difficult confused
  4. I stick to my pre-season forecast: reach zero after 7 matches (that's failed) but get out of relegation zone after 17, be in mid-table after 27 and challenge for play-offs after 37 are still realistic. why not?
  5. There are some dud teams in the Premiership this year-Hull and Wigan will head for the exit- quite apart from the three who went up, who always struggle, so don't be too sure about Poopy
  6. it is getting close Thierre Henry 26% MLT 27% get voting!
  7. I thought we would reach zero in 7 matches (we won't), my other target was to be clear of the bottom three after 17 matches (we will). Everything is improving, so don't panic.
  8. If targets help...why not 7 games to get to zero, 17 games to get out of relegation zone, 27 games to reach mid table and that would get us to playoffs at 37 games, how many are there altogether in this league?
  9. biggest of many positives was seeing the new owner present in the stand as a supporter, he's not going to come all that way to see a losing team,is he? We need a song that affirms him, perhaps in German?
  10. Weren't we slaves to the last regime? I now feel liberated and thankful not to be subject to the fans posting on this site.
  11. I would say fortunately it is MLs club and he can do what he wants with it he's a proper business man and he knows the importance of success
  12. we guessed and speculated about a new manager but we knew nothing and suddenly up popped AP we can guess and speculate about new players but we know nothing so don't worry, it's gonna be good
  13. Why knock Matt, he was the only ex player who tried to save the situation, he's more of a true Saint, hero and legend in my book, not less
  14. So many great memories but how about FACup Round 5, replay against Nottm forest, 0-3 down with 20 mins to go, drew 3-3 that was unbelievable. Won the 2nd replay at White Hart Lane 5-0, lost in the semifinal at Villa to MU
  15. what a useless thread, we know nothing about the Swiss people, so how can anyone give a considered opinion on them? We do know Pinnacle have MLT and we should be thankful for that and have the champagne on ice
  16. It's Ted for me, not just because I'm old enough to remember it all but because he took us from the bottom (Div3) to the top(Div1) beginniing when we were penniless. Supporters held whist drives to raise the money to buy his first player (Jimmy Shields for £1000 if I remember correctly). Also, he was a modest man with no shomanship at all, he only put in to the Club and must have been astonished to live long enough to see people taking out of the Club.
  17. ALF RAMSEY Yes, I did see him and anyone who saw him would surely vote for him, his most famous days were with Spurs but he was in the England team while still in the 2nd div with us, don't ignore our World Cup winning manager just because it was all so long a go!
  18. Mark Dennis? You folk can not be serious, he was a psycho case not a proper player...Mick Mills from the glory days for me, a class above the others he once lined up alongside four other England captains in the side: Keegan, Ball, Channon and Watson, hard to believe now
  19. Full of hope
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