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Everything posted by Dellman

  1. Yes because I believe the management knows better than any of us where to strengthen the squad and I believe NA has the backing from NC to do it- besides look at the mess WHU are in, even on our bad days we're not like that!
  2. It's true it's a squad game but the man who makes the squad tick is GULY
  3. We're building a team with a future, it won't be made up of players from the past
  4. NA has made Ricky a fitter and better player and Ricky knows it, and so do we all
  5. Dellman

    Gary Speed

    There's no reason to suppose footballers are any different from the rest of the population in which case if there are 3000 pros there are probably 300 gays, it would be a healthy thing if they all 'came out' together...unlikely!
  6. It's good the way NC deals behind the scenes and delivers what the manager wants regardless of all the would-be-managers, prima donnas and gossip columnists, softly softly catchee monkey! Aren't we lucky!
  7. Remember the old song..'there's a hole in my bucket, dear Pompey, dear Pompey.....'
  8. As others have said, the guy has class and brings variety to the team which is a big plus because it confuses opponents, unfortunately it confuses some fans as well, the uncomfortable is that he is our only black player and he's the one that gets the stick when things aren't perfect
  9. The pic I want to see is the Cup going round the over-full ground at Mike Channon's testimonial, the day after we won it. Anyone got that?
  10. Believe that you'll believe anything
  11. Dellman


    It's perfect for the Memorial game and that is a good clear decision
  12. Complacency could be the problem according to some posts, well I don't see NA or NC falling for that. We've got two proper leaders for the first time in years
  13. Stability from top runs right through the Club
  14. Dellman

    Going up?

    Go for the title while we can, the chance may never recur and as for the prem next season, why the pessimism? the top few are a problem but we would compete well with the rest as Norwich Swansea and QPR are doing. If we get faint-hearted we'll get nowhere
  15. I also get really angry with the adverts because it reduces the sport I love to another way of making money, I care about Saints result because I love Saints not because I will be £10 richer/poorer...by the way, look what gambling has done to cricket
  16. Excuse ignorance but is the 19 wins all comps or just league and what was it for Bradford PA and all those others in the list?
  17. 30 points out of 30? Anyone think we're getting a bit greedy? Then when it's 'only' 20 the wrist slitters will want us in doomed mode and be baying for blood and saying 'told you so' even if we're still in the top two
  18. How can Jeff Stelling be persuaded to apologise or at least correct the things he said which are now shown to be wrong? Seems press and TV people can say what they like, true or false, and even if they correct it, the damage is done.
  19. Interesting that all the sentiments above are for the simple life, for the academy stream, for the present squad to have its Premier chance (we're not there yet) and for the big spending to be curtailed and I agree with all that. It's quite a sudden change from not many weeks ago when the cry on this forum was about no ambition, no signings and no money to spend because the owners had lost interest. We're on the path I can follow and believe in.
  20. Why this obsession with has-beens? We're building for the future
  21. Fitzhugh Fella is a sad and bitter fella and seems to lack common sense as well
  22. Mackail-Smith looked selfish, fast but running into nowhere, don't think they'll be a challenge; ugly Hammers will be unfortunately.
  23. The teams that win titles are the ones that get a point on a bad day, that's what we've done, so be happy about it. the whole team was under performing, why all this picking on Guly? Was anyone on form apart from Kelvin? But we got a point, we're on the winning track, cheers!
  24. Regards the thread title, there is no one that is indispensible. the clever thing is that NA has built a multi purpose squad which was proved on Tuesday when AL was covered so well in the most unexpected way. If we lose Ricky somebody will crop up, maybe Guly who loves the central role and never gets the chance. I think the biggest loss would be Fonte but Martin has never let us down, so what's the worry?
  25. If Nigel and Nicola are going to bid for Maynard (or anyone else) do you think they will take the Sun or the Star into their confidence?
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