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Everything posted by Dellman

  1. Can't understand why people don't appreciate Puncheon more, he does as good a job as most 'wingers ' mentioned HCDAGJFU
  2. Striker! Rickie is not going to get any better, he will struggle this season, the Premiership has no place for sentiment much as we love him.
  3. The Fabregas thing went on for years and that was Arsenal and Barcelona, it's not easy when you're in the top bracket, Chelsea Spurs and Man U are all wrangling and we're part of it now, so learn a little patience
  4. Has he played since his ankle surgery?
  5. In NC we trust, nice to have such confidence in our leadership
  6. The thought of seeing Fox in a Premiership match ever again gives me the shivers, we must cover Shaw, with anyone but Fox
  7. No I won't leave it at that, Hooper is a goal snatcher (like Owen) what we now like is players of various talents who can fit differing roles, as the team needs, Hooper is not that sort of team player and neither was Owen, JRod is one in the making
  8. Quote:Where have you been? The last player I remember being sold against our wishes was Ox (£12m to a L1 club, iirc) & most (if not all) of our first 11 are contracted for the next 3-5 years. Punch is probably the best example how NC deals with players looking for a move. Yes, but this is the first big challenge since Ox, and we've held on to him, from Alf Ramsey, Ian Black and Charlie Wayman through Martin Chivers to Alan Shearer and all the modern ones we haven't been able to do that Cheers!
  9. For the first time since I have been following Saints WE ARE NO LONGER A SELLING CLUB
  10. Please leave Pompey out of it, they're nothing now. Why draw attention to them? Just let them disappear
  11. A better squad to train with each day will improve his game, win-win situation
  12. Yes he played in the Cup Final with a broken nose and won every header, no trouble!
  13. Why this attraction to has-beens and cast-offs, he's had his day and he's nowhere near what we are looking for these days
  14. Holmes is top of my list, utterly reliable totally dedicated one club man
  15. It's Terry, Mick or MLT, no one holds a candle to those three, it's not just the goals it's the length of service, no one will ever match Terry's 800 games and he led us from third division obscurity to the first. It has to be Terry with Mick close second. Interesting that all the top three are our own and didn't cost a thing
  16. Channon every time for me
  17. How can De Ridder be rated so high, what has he done? Because I support all Saints players I would be generous and give him 2
  18. Gazza's errors cost us a lot of points, how can he be 6 and Kelvin only 4, I would swop them around; otherwise pretty much agree
  19. He hasn't been fit to play for seven years but he took the money for his gambling, his real interest is the gee gees
  20. If I was a Liebherr Trustee and obliged by trust terms to do the best for the Trust I would at this point want to cash in on the vast rise in the Club's value, it must have risen for the original £15m invested to at least £150m. That would be easier than laying out the sort of money required to buy and pay the players now needed, enlarge the stadium and make the training centre the best in the country as planned. On the other hand if I was the Chief Exec who had seen it all get to this exciting point I would want to complete the plan. I guess that is the issue
  21. It's amazing that goal difference is in our favour after the way the season began!
  22. Sorry I was wrong no club has won the cup and been relegated, I was confused by Man city who were champions one year and relegates the next
  23. It has happened before, I think it was Man City won the cup but got relegated, some scholar will tell us which year
  24. If the OP writs to the owners that's up to him but don't say it's on behalf of 'all' fans, I'm a fan and have been since 1946 and with recent form and future prospects I think we've never had it so good
  25. 10th is no good, we would still be looking over our shoulders all season, this year any of the bottom ten could have gone down, we want to be looking above us not below, it's less nerve wracking and us oldies want to live a bit longer
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