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Everything posted by Dellman

  1. they can have one of Bednarek, Stephens or Vest at £45m
  2. Yesterday I said 'no no' to the idea of Theo returning but today I am excited by the thought--its a loan, not a long contract, Everton pay half the wage and we get the benefit. He won't be 90 mins playert and every match like JWP but he will be a valuable asset and a different style. If he comes -welcome home and prove the doubters wrong!
  3. Strange how opinions differ. I was thinking this is the best 'window' I can remember...dead wood going and fresh hopes coming where most needed---well done Ralph and the Board. Things have looked up
  4. Is there still a chance to get Boufal and Hoedt off the wage bill? It seems Vest and Fraser have a future here after all, which is good. Slowly we are ridding ourselves of the dead wood and building a positive squad. Credit to the manager and the Board
  5. Yes, true! But when he was with us he got the Mane treatment, written off as rubbish. I hope fans give the new guys a bit more support as they settle---it takes time and our fans dont give our own players support they need--then they do brilliantly for someone else
  6. I've always loved Theo and wished him well. I always hoped he would return and end his career where it began. If he had come afew years ago, yes. But not now, it's too late for him and for us. He is not our type now, our clear policy is to build young players into Ralph's style. Our players would have to adapt to Theo's style because he won't be changing. Sad, but it's No No in my opinion.
  7. I wish him well, perhaps there is a manager somewhere that can bring ther best out of him.Its time he took the chance and made the effort. Goodbye, you wont' be missed by anyone here, sad really
  8. We've already got several people quite good at sitting on the bench, and that's all he is likely to do.
  9. How come Veerman and Ntcham are already **** If someone else signs them you will complain we have 'missed out'. I wonder anyone signs for us, they are rubbished before we've seen them
  10. Since when did the FA have authority to grant work permits?
  11. It was more than a few games. Mane was abused until he left
  12. If Ralph rates him why hasn't he been playing? As for 'closing down', I don't think he knows what it is. He is talented but a show pony, and that's not what we need, if we did Ralph would pick him, or Mark Hughes might have, or The Clown but he gets the thumbs down from them all. Will anyone buy him?
  13. Goalkeepers now seem so accident prone. I don't remember Banks, Shilton, Clemence making the sort of errors we see almost every week now. Saints have not been noted for great goalies (I rate Shilton Niemi and Ian Black as the best) but I'd have done my nut at the mmistakes we've seen recently. Why the decline?
  14. Other clubs have cash to spalsh, we haven't. We splashed it all on Carillo, Vestergaard, Elynoussie, Lemina etc and we are still facing the consequences. It's not Ralph's fault, he is the victim. He's found one system that won't work, let's hope he can find the one that will, before Christmas
  15. Its better than having him hanging around moaning, let him get on with his career
  16. I am not a Gao fan because |I hoped for an owner who would invesat and there is no liklihood of that. But at least he is better than owners who uninvest ie the asset strippers. So we need to be careful what we wish for, there's a lot of sharks around. I take the point we are in a better position than when he took over and the Board and manager know the situation and appear to be working well within it. Perhaps its best not to rock the boat.
  17. Take the money, any money, we will never get anything out of him, he can't play the system so he doesn't help the training. Let him find another place and good luck to him
  18. Did some one say we have a £3.5m offer for Boufal? Take it, get rid of the wasters asap. its no good having 'talent' if you can't be bothered to use it. We've had too many of those
  19. Dellman


    Cedric still playing
  20. Dellman

    Site issues

    This site is far the best but recently it has been a nightmare and a time waster just trying to access it, usually withoput success. What has happened and has it any future?
  21. I think the Blackmore remark about McKennie only said 'we haven't made a bid'. i don't think it said we are not interested or we never will make a bid.....so, I am still hoping because the guy does seem to fit our profile and our needs. He would complete a good window
  22. Sadly, we aren't getting anything for Hoedt. Lemina or Carillo--or Elyoussai or Danso or Vestergaard or Boufal, i hope I am proved wrong but we are stuck with them. It must be hard for the manager and serious professionals to get on with their careers with that lot hanging around
  23. I think and hope that Ralph is the goods, long term. I believe he has written in the lockdown a coaching guide for all levels of the club so that junior to senior are all being trained in the same style. I believe he is building a squad in his own image, in other words it will be his team and he has built it. I believe he knows the financial limitations and is ready to work within them. He knows it will take a few seasons to remove dead wood, but he started last summer and is continuing this summer. I believe we are in for a good season and a better one the year after that. Let's just hope Southampton suits his family.
  24. Will be sorry in Bednarek goes. he had a hard time under Hughes who kept him on the bench but he has made a good pasrtnership with Jack S since Ralph arrived, while Vestergaard is the spare part, not Bednarek
  25. Better chance if its Skates away
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