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Everything posted by Royce2uk

  1. But completely ignore what he done with FC Twente and now at Derby? Few resources and bringing through young English talent with some success? Where's the logic in ignoring that?
  2. Steve McClaren for me. He has a few blots on his record but so do most. Winning titles in Holland with FC Twente is more than a good effort! Took Boro into a European final as well. Unfortunately people will struggle to look past his time as England manager. Just keep the brollies away from him.
  3. Anyone planning on traveling up to Wigan from Bristol via car. If so, anybody got any space in their car for me if I manage to get a ticket? Obviously I will pay a bit towards petrol money. Cheers
  4. Anybody traveling up from Bristol with space in their car? May decide to go to this one dependent on work and the costs. Will chip in with petrol money.
  5. I had the same problem before. Solved it by going to Carphone warehouse. Buying geek squad cover for £5 a month, waited 3 weeks and then took it in to be fixed. They sorted it all out and they were great. Best thing is you can cancel the contract after 3 months. I kept it on though as it has come in handy several times for several different laptops.
  6. No one in Bristol watching the game then? I'm sure we had a few Bristol saints on here!
  7. Tell me about it! I don't have much time to find a pub either as I'm watching rugby until 5!!
  8. I will be in the glos road area on sat eve. Does anyone know what pubs are showing it or where they are goin to be. I assume most pubs will show the live prem game.
  9. I blame the drinking culture
  10. Saints fan in Bristol would love it if someone had a spare ticket for me. I have a season ticket but I stupidly missed getting a ticket as i kept putting it off! Give me a PM if you have one spare. If not it will have to be the home end for me with a few people from work. It will be ****** though!
  11. I cant wait til we play Man U, Arsenal, Chelsea and City next year. Deffo going to make the effort to go to those games. Imaging seeing rooney and Aguero on the St.Marys pitch!! cant wait!
  12. 30 secs in I think we should adapt that somehow. Its the We'll be coming tune sung by Scottish fans. Maybe use for the Skate game? something along the lines of; We'll be coming, We'll be coming, We'll be coming to beat/kill the skates, when you hear the roar of the red and white army, We'll be coming to beat/kill the skates. Probably **** but at least its something different to what we normally sing. altho very similar to the were coming for you song. Could even work for SDR; Steve De Ridder Steve De Ridder Steve De Ridder down the wing (insert next line here as im not creative enough!!) Steve De Ridder down the wing.
  13. Balls! My local away game sold out before I get tickets! if anyone has a spare one drop me a PM. would be appreciated. oh and before people ask, I am a season ticket holder!
  15. What colour face paints we all going to wear? Im not sure whether to go for the good old red and white stripes, or to have Come On You Reds on my cheeks!! What do you guys reckon :)
  16. Royce2uk

    Sam Baldock

    I dont think they are mutually exclusive, but with the close of the window approaching i would rather us focus on a CB and then possibly get a ST in on loan. Lambert, Connolly, Guly, Barnard, De Ridder and Lallana are all capable of playing in advance positions and therefore not short of options.
  17. Royce2uk

    Sam Baldock

    Im still not convinced a striker is what we really need. especially if its going to cost us an arm and a leg. I would rather put all my focus into bringing a decent CB in.
  18. Royce2uk

    Sam Baldock

    Don't be silly!! Only strikers are allowed to score goals. Surely you know this?
  19. Royce2uk

    Sam Baldock

    Fans??? To be fair to the lad he appears to have trouble grasping the concept of English language.
  20. Royce2uk

    Sam Baldock

    Who is Atkins??
  21. Does anyone else think he looks a bit like Jack Duckworth in that picture tho??? Just a thought!
  22. Im going to go for the pompey game not taking place in decemeber due to weather. There pitch wont handle the cold snap if we have the same as last year!
  23. He would more than likely be entitled to some sort of payment as he has been directly contributing to the purchase price of the property by paying the mortgage. On the bright side, if you are of limited means you may qualify for legal aid in which you may recieve free or reduced legal advice. I would suggest you go and see a solicitor to see if you qualify before going to the CAB. much better to try the professionals first especially if it is free! I work in the legal sector and I am not a massive fan of the CAB and their work.
  24. Very much interested for future fixtures as well. whats you email adress?? I was thinking of being a cheap skate and catching the Bristol Rovers travel coach down for saturdays game. onlt £12 return. much cheaper than petrol.
  25. Last call for anyone going from Bristol or the surrounding are who want to share lifts (and expense!) PM me.
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