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Everything posted by LGTL

  1. Fucking Armstrong. One of the worst I’ve ever seen at this level, pathetic. We’re getting humped dry
  2. Yeah, do we have to? I can think of little more depressing than a football match at St Mary’s.
  3. I agree. I’ve harped on about this record since August, starting mostly tongue in cheek. But it’s now an extremely real possibility. We simply HAVE to beat that record.
  4. Bunch of fucking cunts. Setting a new low points total was obvious after about 2 weeks of the season. Everything and everyone associated with this club this season are wankers. Except us lot, why on earth are we bothering?
  5. Smallbone at this level should be illegal let’s be honest
  6. Fucking fuck off
  7. The club will be absolutely delighted. It's killed any sort of atmosphere and expect our Police bill has been considerably reduced. But it's been awful, lets be honest. As predicted, the 'wall' is a pile of cringy shite.
  8. I’ve booked short haul a few times from there thinking it’s close by when it really bloody isn’t. Pain in the arse to get to and I wouldn’t fly from there again. Saying that, I try to avoid small airports and would choose Heathrow every time.
  9. Yeah, I agree that this is going to be a fucking impossible habit to break next season. It’s the sort of year that doesn’t just ruin players, but also clubs. Could be our last season in the Prem for many a year.
  10. LGTL


    Strange take. There’s about 8 or 9 others to criticise before you get to Fernandes.
  11. Another possible chance to accumulate some points towards that fucking Derby record goes begging. That is starting to get seriously concerning.
  12. Can’t believe we wasted so much of the season with that absolute helmet in charge and his fucking dull, propaganda football.
  13. Martin really was a fucking disgrace wasn't he. Hopefully Juric has them in for a double session today.
  14. What % were won back by Saints after the initial Fulham header/clearance? And what % of those were in the Fulham half instead of our own fucking penalty box? And what % resulted in a Fulham goal? There’s your ‘success’ bollocks.
  15. Because European form is what’s needed for us to survive. And you can bet your bottom dollar that when we inevitably don’t, people like you will be sharpening the knifes, getting ready to tell us how oh so clever you are to have backed Martin, and look how sacking him made no difference. 6 points more is all that’s needed. Just 6.
  16. The re-writing of history by some of the Martin lovers is astonishing. Every single person expected us to struggle. Every single person thought the squad was relatively weak. Every single person expected a relegation fight. But the key word there, is fight. What every single person didn’t expect was a pathetic 5 points after 16 games, winning just about every negative stat in the history of the game and having to put up with the worst manager in PL history, on course to break the lowest points total ever. The only people who seem to think that this was in any way acceptable are also the same people now DEMANDING that Juric had better give us European form, otherwise we told you so. Absolutely fucking astonishing. A reminder for some of you idiots - Juric needs just 6 points to be better than your king. Just 6 points. Just 2 wins.
  17. LGTL

    Ivan Juric

    Pleased with this appointment. Hopefully no more hugging the players and noddy fist pumps.
  18. Any more than 10 points after 32 games and Juric has proved that Russ was an absolute fucking disaster.
  19. Derby next season to look forward to at least. Their home form is too good to get relegated.
  20. We’ve more chance of winning the league then avoiding relegation. In other words, there’s zero chance. And that is down to absolutely nobody other than Russell Martin.
  21. LGTL

    Ivan Juric

    The more I read, the more I quite like. Although I’m not sure if that’s because of the last 3 disasters we’ve had to put up with.
  22. There is absolutely no way he can be worse than Russell Martin. The absolute worst case scenario is that he’s just as awful. In that sense, this is a 100% risk free appointment.
  23. Reserving judgement as I couldn’t tell you a thing about him.
  24. Forster having a nightmare
  25. Southern Water - fucking useless. No water for the second time this year, along with half of Southampton.
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