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Everything posted by LGTL

  1. LGTL

    Plastic Fans

  2. If we keep DMG, he could well be a top scorer in League 1, has certainly grown on me under Wotte. Smith and BWP looked bright when they came on, but apart from that, not much to shout about. I felt sorry for Jake Thomson, he is not a right back, yet due to seasons of incompetence, we are left with just the 1 RB.
  3. Don't worry about that mate, i'd like to think tomorrow will provide St Mary's with one of its best atmospheres in years.
  4. Remember after the game they were selling "I was there" t shirts!
  5. 1st win at SMS wasn't it?
  6. Our fans never cease to amaze me! Great shout mate.
  7. Blocks 1 and 2 open...
  8. Fantastic turnout! Lets just hope it isn't a 0-1 defeat...
  9. Rivalries make football, without us imagine how boring it would be for them.
  10. I wouldn't be able to support anyone else. Not Eastleigh, certainly not AFC Totton, not even Blackfield and Langley. It's Saints or nobody. I would have to concentrate on just following England I suppose.
  11. Still would have to be red and white...
  12. A bit different since they share the same city.
  13. Snippits from press conference on SSN now.
  14. Well just keep it to a "No" then, rather then putting the extra little sentence.
  15. Why mention anything at all then? If you aren't going to share, keep everything to yourself.
  16. He sounded like a bit of a geeeeeza didn't he..
  17. Now we have some tart talking ****!
  18. Debt is £30 million
  19. Lowe could re-buy the club again if he wanted to, although hasn't expressed an interest.
  20. SSN reported ripping into the administrator saying SLH is really just the club!
  21. ****ing hell, the club is in danger within weeks if investment isn't found...
  22. There is doubt we will be able to survive without investment up to the end of the season
  23. They are following Shearerrrrrrrr's press conference instead I think, probably best to bheck the OS later today.
  24. According to SSN, board meeting has finished (Lowe wasn't there, he is in London...) and we can expect announcements tomorrow afternoon.
  25. LGTL

    online poker

    Get on an american site early in the morning BST, they are full of p*ssed up yanks with no idea what they are doing.
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