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Everything posted by andyb505

  1. It would not surprise me in the least if our current owner wanted to sell now. She inherited the club after her father died and has done a lot for us since, but I doubt she is a football fan. The club is seen as performing at above the level it should, high finishes in the prem the last couple of seasons and in Europe at the moment, despite selling our best players (for massive profits) and losing two managers. It would appear that now would be an excellent time to sell the club if she wants too, from a financial perspective. China is also where investment money is coming from at the moment for all sorts of company takeovers. Whatever happens us fans will have no say in the matter anyway!
  2. Cheers. Will try that.
  3. Bit of a long shot I know but does anyone know how to contact the gent that runs the programme shop that sets up in Northam Road on matchdays? I have a collection of old football programmes from the fifties and sixties, inherited from my Dad, that I would like to get rid of (about 25). They are a mixture of FA Cup finals, and various club games (mot Southampton) from various leagues. I would rather they went to someone that will appreciate them than throw them away. Any help gratefully received.
  4. Best beer and pies in Southampton; The Dancing Man (was the old Wool House).
  5. 1. Buy up all the land around the stadium. 2. Then build a Saints museum, open all the time, not just match days. 3. Give away 5000 tkts each match day to young fans and community youth groups to ensure a fan base for years to come. 4. Then open up the waterfront in front of the stadium and build a few bars/restaurants and build a Saints themed hotel. 5. Plough even more money into Staplewood and the academy.
  6. Box office at lunchtime said only 4000 left
  7. Another reason is surely that, for the second time this season already, we have two home games within five days. This is going to happen again later in the season I think so we will have another two poorly attended games. It is surely no surprise that in this poor economic period people will not want, or be able to afford, to go to two games in a week. Whoever produces the fixture list ought to be shot for continually giving teams like us two home games in a week and then no home games for three weeks.
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