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Everything posted by letissisgod

  1. Three of us in the main stand, was told when i purchased my tickets in the cherries shop that they were keeping one of the ends closed as demand had been disappointing
  2. Curious bit of info regarding Danny Fox, His house in Bournemouth has had a "To Let" sign outside it for the last couple of weeks.
  3. Since when have all the games been switched to SUNDAY. No buggar told me !!!
  4. 01271 335708
  5. My daughter Libby who is 7, has attended about 8 home games this season, she has never seen us drop a point. She is most definitely my lucky mascot. To cement this even further tonight, she is a Friday the 13th baby. Friday the 13th of August to be exact. Home win banker it is !!!!
  6. Have been reliably informed by a mate of mine, who is a friend of the family, Adam is fit.
  7. who let the dogs out ??? ooooh ooooh ooooh ooooh ooooh
  8. Mystery solved re the attendance adjustment. Have just spoken to a mate of mine who travelled down from London yesterday for the game, because of train delays he did not arrive at the game until 55 mins gone, him and his mate were eventually let in after a certain amount of door banging alerted the stewards, they were the additional 2 that helped us break the record.
  9. booked mine at 9.30 and blocks 1 and 2 were offered.
  10. Funnily enough was in Devon last week, Exmouth to be exact, and was amazed to turn the car radio on and hear Solent loud and clear. Plymouth is approximately another hours drive from there, so not sure how strong the signal would be.
  11. anyother live streams
  12. Just heading off to the ground, gotta leave early as its at least a ten minute walk.
  13. Just driven through town, and the place is absolutely buzzing with Saints. Lets hope the boys don't let us down.
  14. Will be a real struggle, looking forward to the game and being there, but is going to be a tough 90 mins. Think I will stick my earphones on, eliminates the risk of some muppet cherry wanting to chat.
  15. Anyway, next question, do we sit on our hands all game keeping our heads down, or if we score, do we let rip and then see how many of us there really are in the home stands.
  16. Picked mine up from the ground last week.
  17. Just trying to get a feel for how many, if any Saints fans have tickets in with the cherries. I shall be sat in the dodgy temporary South stand. hopefully not completely on my own !!!
  18. Just going to have to keep my fingers crossed we don't. may be leaving early if it's real bad.
  19. picked mine up today lunchtime, apparently still quite a few left.
  20. Gave up on the prospect of getting a ticket through Saints as don't get to travel away these days, but, have managed to get a ticket in with the Cherries as they have not sold out. They are on restricted sale so you will need someone who is registered, but there are tickets still available, especially in the temp South stand, right next to the Saints fans. Thats where I will be. Not ideal, but beats having to listen on the radio. Really didn't want to miss this one, especially as I live 10 mins walk from the ground, and spend most days surrounded by Cherries.
  21. Thanks everyone for your input, very much appreciated. When we decide to come over, I will let you know and see what can be arranged.
  22. Great, thanks for that information. We are hoping to organise a treat over after Easter to have a look at the options. Will certainly put Montclair on the list.
  23. Ok thanks again for the info, have some friends who used to live in New Jersey, said it was nice there.
  24. Thanks guys, really useful information. I will be coming over with most of my family, not all of it unfortunately, as my eldest daughter who is 14, will be staying with her mum. I will be bringing my son, Matthew (2), named after you know who, and my daughter (6), both with my current wife, so will ideally need to be somewhere near some decent schools, and children friendly, farely quiet and spacious would be nice. My wife will be working in the financial district, so will need to get in and out everyday. I will be taking it easy looking after the kids, so no real demands. Have been given a time frame of 6 to 12 months so plenty of time to plan, although sure it will flybe, i mean fly by.
  25. Have got an opportunity to relocate to New York, my missus being the high flying executive that she is, is being head hunted. Was wondering if there were any fellow Saints supporters already there, and although I have been there before, never thought of living there, so where is the nicest place to live.
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