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Rod Le Shearer

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Everything posted by Rod Le Shearer

  1. somehow I dont think you`ll lose £ 15 mill when relegated from CCC to League 1 ! the main source of income in both those divisions are from matchdays,there`s only a relative small difference in income from TV,sponsors etc. (compared with the gap from the PL to the CCC)
  2. I just thought that,what with you being such a great and successful predictor on so many different occasions,you`d be humble enough to admit being wrong just once. from a psychological point of view,I find it quite interesting to see how you dont hesitate one second when it comes to bragging and bigging yourself up,but seem totally unable to admit getting even ONE thing wrong. may I suggest you consider visiting your local university`s research department.with the contribution provided by observations from your brain, you could help scientists understand a great deal more about mental disorders.the areas surrounding delusions of grandeur is not yet fully understood,for example !
  3. a simple "yes" or "no" will do fine this time,wihout all the ifs,buts and what-could-have beens. your statements were made without such reservations you claim now,at the time they were made. so once agian,without any excusing reservations: were you right or wrong on those occasions?
  4. seeing you here,bragging & claiming to have been right about all sorts,makes me stunned ! you must have the biggest ego,and the most selective memory since Stalin. Refresh our memories of what you said-on at least a thousand occasions-when there were ten matches left in our Play-off season..? "we`ll never make it,those who think so are stupid bastards without grasp of reality bla-bla-bla" and how about the infamous: "ANYONE but Burley would make this team improve" ?? shortly followed by your wish coming through,and two "any-ones" came in and made the team a total shamble. Alpine,just face facts: you are NEVER right about important issues. and the times you are most wrong,are the exact same times where you scream out your loudest and most bombastic theories.
  5. too true.. that`s the team who made me support the Saints. there was a ridiculous amount of skill in that front line ! and to those who didnt rate Rideout: he was essential in that formation,with his hold-up play,excellent heading & work rate. those were the days
  6. On our OS now,too. Called off !
  7. so in other words..your stats/scheme are just as insignificant and totally irrelevant as your contribution on this message board. next time,do engage brain before fingers please,or get off your lazy fat arse and do some research before posting absolute drivel. oh..and btw,Mr clueless muppet: even if you look at debt versus income,United and Liverpool would still be furthest down the list.
  8. I suppose Man U ,Liverpool and Chelsea would be relegated from the PL then,going by your logic..? whatever next.
  9. that assessment is a bit far fetched TBF. the main deciding factor in the "poor-category" affecting performances,is the budget for player wages. and in this category neither us,Watford or Charlton are down the basement. there are lots of clubs having much smaller wage-budgets than ours..and thus presumably should have poorer players..! unfortunately,the conclusion from that theory doesnt materialize on the pitch ! lower paid players/teams outperform us...aaaaaarg
  10. thanks,thats what I suspected..my initial glance on that post only revealed a scent of patronising rantings. thank god I didnt waste half an hour tormenting myself through that one,then !
  11. you`ve got patience. pieces like that are too much for me,I do only see valid points from this poster when someone quote and thereby edit his pieces into smaller sections ! surely there has got to be a more efficient way to get one or two points across..
  12. does anyone actually READ this..?
  13. the witch hunt for "luvvies" on this site has reached a pathetic magnitude,if you ask me. when all the lesser developed brains on here just keep on hurling abuse towards anyone & anything saying a positive thing about Lowe...then all they do is to deprive us of debate. and isnt debating what this message board is all about..? to all those neanderthals who cant bare seeing a pro-Lowe argument without throwing your toys out: this forum would in the long term be a much less interesting place if you continue this behaviour. I think you all know that,if you take a breath and think about it..! and for the record,I too would prefer Lowe to be gone.
  14. I`m surprised you can laugh about such utter lunacy & twisted logic amongst a fellow mod..! I just find it sad people are being dragged right from the asylum and/or kindergarden,to moderate this forum. Alex Pearce scored 2 in his first three games for us..I`ll bet Arizona hugged his teddybear, covered in tears,when thinking about the certain 30 goals he too would have contributed if he was here the full season.
  15. to all those marching: good luck today,and make your voices heard. wish I was there !
  16. not too much to shout about in that list...we have always had crap full-backs,with the odd exception now and then. Bale would have been my choice,but with his absence I`ll go for Bridge.
  17. yes,that is my point..? having the poorest footballer in England as your star-player,says it all really ! he does absolutely nothing of note other than his throw-ins. yet Stoke plays him on the left wing (!!) just so he doesnt have to run so far to throw the ball. combined with the fact that that is the position he does the least amount of damage in open play.
  18. I think you missed the point ! having Rory Delap as your star player,and relying totally on long-throws-basing your whole tactic throughout the game on achieving them..that is an attrocity and an insult to thinking football fans. that aint football the way many of us love the game,and I dont care if it keeps them up. its just a cruel combination of handball,rugby and football,in an organized shape which I personally hope gets Stoke relegated to div 2,and Delap getting tendinitis.
  19. amazing effort second half. must admit I stopped listening at half-time,and didnt turn on untill we equalized ! when was the last time we came from TWO behind to win an awaygame..?? must have been atleast 10 years ago.. COYR !
  20. look,I got the biggest fish on the first attempt ! too bad it was a sour,uneatable,slimy eel..
  21. remind me,Plumstead..what is the score now,after your figure of hate has done his little speech..? a coincidence,you think,after last matches dire performances,or perhaps a direct result of Mr. Lowe`s little pep-talk?
  22. to me it doesnt appear as a "crass egotistical interfering" ...but then again Lowe didnt steal my candy when I was a baby,as most certainly was your case ! its better to wait for Santa Claus,than to see the bogeyman everytime you visit St.mary. maybe your manic fear of that nasty demon named Woopert is what keeps you at home this lovely evening
  23. thanks for the input,and let me once more make it clear that I do not support,or like, Lowe. I just feel we`ve got no other alternative than Lowe at the minute,so banging on about his minor flaws isnt really helping. if he does something obviously out of order,offcourse he should hear it from the fans. but in this particular case,where we do not know any of the circumstances,maybe this isnt such a big deal..? seems like his pep-talk has got us performing so far today,also just kidding !!
  24. what a drama-gueen you are for me to condone Lowe talking to players,offcourse that has to be by full consent from JP. for all we know,maybe JP has asked Rupert to put in a word..? we dont know the circumstances,so I for one wont be so absolute when judging if this is a good or bad action from Lowe. oh,and your remarks about me being a Lowe-luvvie...LOL,I was one off those being most vociferious about his removal last time around. just feel we shouldn spread any more unfounded or unneccessary negativity. shame others dont feel that way !
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