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Everything posted by Alejam

  1. Markus
  2. Just phoned the club.. there has been a delay at the printers. When club receive them, they will then start posting them out.
  3. Has anyone received their pass yet??
  4. Have Hants fans got a section? I can then ask for that section when i get there.
  5. Discombobulated
  6. He won't be happy
  7. Greatest hope for this season?- promotion - skates relagated Biggest fear?- fukin it all up Most important player?- Lambert Terrace favourite?- Schneiderlin (goal frenzy this season) Keep an eye out for...- Dickson Player you'd happily drive to his next club?-Wotton One change you'd make at your club? Decent beer Have we got the right manager?- Yes What advice would you give him?-Score more than the oppo Which team do you most want to beat this season?- Swindon Opposition player you despise?-Lee Hughes Opposition player you secretly admire?-Lloyd James Where will we finish?- 1st
  8. Disco........:vuvu:
  9. Am i the only person who cannot give an opinion on how good or bad Pulis is, as i have never seen him play? Or, are most people just jumping on the slagging him off bandwagon, without ever seeing him play? Not having a dig, just asking.
  10. My Avatar is a bit ironic. Before anyone else says it
  11. Cheers Pancake
  12. http://www.onthecross.co.uk/images/merchandise/pcsaints.jpg I can do it this way. Just not the other.
  13. Hi all Can you please help. I cannot seem to copy and paste an image. When i click the insert image icon, then paste to the "enter the URL of your image" all looks fine, then i preview post and it always has the red X where the image should be. Grateful if anyone can help. Ta
  14. The Human Body! Very Informative! It takes your food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. One human hair can support 3kg (6.6 lb). The average man's penis is three times the length of his thumb. Human thighbones are stronger than concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet. Women blink twice as often as men. The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain. Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it. Women reading this will be finished now. Men are still busy checking their thumbs. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. About 7 years ago, I arranged to meet an Estate Agent rep in Spain as i was looking to buy property there. Another bloke from the UK was also meeting the same rep, also to buy property. After about 2 days i signed on the dotted line to buy a (cheap) apartment and this other fella also bought something, fukin big house if i remember rightly Well, with a couple of days now free to "holiday" Me, this other fella, the rep and his mate decided it was time for a p**s up. We started about lunch time and carried on till early next morning. This is when I thought, back to the hotel and bed for me, as i was absoloutley wrecked, hadn't eaten all day. I was staggering back, past a canal, when all of a suddeen i fell in. At first i thought it funny but as i swam to the edge and tried to get out, realised that i couldnt reach the top to pull myself up. Thats when a young English couple walked passed and heard my cries for help. The bloke grabbed my hand to try and pull me out but somehow we lost grip. Then the last thing i remembered was passing out face down in the canal. Next thing I new I woke up on the tow path with a crowd gathered round me with the blue light flashing from an amulance and the medics wanting to take me to the hospital, which i refused. Then the English guy said "Ive just pulled you out of the canal mate and had to give you mouth to mouth resusitation". I spent the next 30 odd hours in my hotel room throwing up canal water desperate to get back home. Doctor put me on a course of antibiotics when i got back. Fuk knows how much i must have swallowed. (canal water!) Needless to say I have a few regrets from that night. The biggest is not getting the names of the couple who saved my life, to p***ed and shocked to think about it at the time. I didn't buy the apartment in the end, didn't seem right some how, bad karma and all that stuff.
  16. Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant Brilliant!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:
  17. Why do we want another player of his height? Barnard 5 10 Connelley 5 9 Jackson 5 8 I thought we were looking for another RL type forward. Hope we dont buy him.
  18. Has NC gone? If not, is he staying here to tie up a few transfers..
  19. Have you seen Alex Higgins..??? Shocking http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/sport/793442/TRAGIC-snooker-legend-Alex-Higgins-today-confesses-that-his-life-had-sunk-so-low-he-wanted-to-kill-himself.html
  20. But what has he done for us......
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