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Everything posted by Alejam

  1. http://www.thefa.com/TheFACup/News/2012/Jan/fa-cup-fifth-round-draw We are number 3.. Norwich home, I reckon
  2. Okay, phone me on 07525629936
  3. Why can't you PM me, is it because I am not a full member?
  4. It is in Kingsland North, Block 34, Row C, £27. PM me if interested
  5. This lot reckon i have bad breath..What do you think???
  6. Brilliant post. Agree 100%
  7. With King and maybe Zigic Playing, I'm a bit concered Fonte and Hooiveld might get a bit out muscled and we lose too many headers. If we can cope with that, I think we can win especially if FR and DH (who I think has been brilliant for us most of the time, and is our best Left back) are back, and get Cork back in the middle with Deano. 3-1
  8. Goal C for me. Connelly v Leeds,nice one two with Adam then clinical finish to kill off the game.
  9. Money counter from the pay and display machine.
  10. Agreed. Dosen't feel like a proper insult calling them skates. Scum Cvnts feels more like it.
  11. Not sure NA will start him. Did he not say after the Torquay match that De Ridder still has to learn when to get back and defend when we haven't got the ball. So pretty much the same for me,
  12. http://www.degraafschap.nl/nieuws/4344/de-ridder-verkozen-tot-nowonline-man-of-the-year.html Our player of the season this year hopefully??!!
  13. Don't know if posted before, got it from not606 http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://www.tiwinoo.com/ammar-jemal-rejoint-radhi-jaidi-au-fc-southampton.html/&ei=aRY5TqPXD8Gh-Qb8xb25Ag&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CFMQ7gEwBQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dammar%2Bjemal%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26tbo%3D1%26biw%3D1680%26bih%3D933%26tbs%3Dqdr:d%26prmd%3Divnso
  14. It says he's a stiker. Maybe a Replacement for Bentner?? Hope your right thou.
  15. was'nt the weather baking hot as well last year? I seem to remember the players being exhausted with the amount of training they were doing in 30+ degrees. The weather now is about 20, and will be all week.
  16. I agree with Window Cleaner
  17. Definately sold out. Says so on the on-line ticket booking page. Glad i have my ST..
  18. He looks absolutley furious. Brilliant....
  19. Not jaw-droppingly amazing..Really?? That equates to over 100 points in a season form
  20. I'm going to the game to watch the Saints play, the same as i did when we played Shrewsbury, Cheltenham and Blackpool couldn't give a toss its Man Ure to be honest.
  21. What are the lyrics by the barmy army? It's sung to the tune of Lallana, he plays on the left, he plays on the right.
  22. Lowe & Oliver
  23. They did yesterday! Tour from 12 till 1. Eats and drinks from from 1. Confit of duck..Gorgeous
  24. Lee has had a hernia op. Spoke to him yesterday before the game. Met him when on the stadium tour before going into the 1885 club. He didn't say how long he will be out.
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