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Everything posted by mcjwills

  1. I heard on saturady that Kelvin will not go anywhere before the end of the season and he is not prepared to uproot his little girl from school before the end of the year. Kelvin has reputedly told Rupes he is NOT going anywherte before the end of the season.
  2. A future one for us all getting hammered in the 1st round of the FA Cup by some complete unknown tean like on TV.
  3. I am now convinced that the only was this club is going to get ANY inverstment is after we have gone into administration and the share can be hoovered up at a really low cut price. If I was a businessman looking to put money into a football club including Fulthorpe, Salz et al.. I would be waiting for administration to get the club on the cheap. Letsw not beat about the bush, we all know were going down so we may as well take the 15 point deduction now, get out of admistration early without any debt left, re-negotiate with the owners of the ground a lower rental (the ground is owned by a separate company), preferably holding a gun to their head, even using the threat of lower rent or we will build another ground and F**k you Rupert you have a ground without a team in it. This will mean league 1 footie next year but were gonna have it and a 15 point deficit before we start the season next year if we dont do it now, of course the added bonus will be getting rid of Rupes and the Quisling.
  4. got more chance of having a threesome with Kylie Minogue than JP getting us in the top 2
  5. And we could look forward to may more relegation battles playingh teams like the mighty Aldershot in 2 seasons time.
  6. Subject to price and no increase in the season ticket cost, because I dont believe you can give **** service and expect to put the prices up, who would the club think they are Southern Rail.
  7. My sentiments exactly
  8. Phil if you send me your contact details, as a fellow Fareham Saint I may be able to help you out.
  9. As a loyal season ticket holder who has helped this club out through it's finacial difficulties, and you want me to pay £30 to go and see Man U, I am glad that you have made a difficult decision in these very hard financial time easy. Rupert you can stick your tickets up your rectal passage at that price, thanks for rewarding my loyalty, I have a long memory and your pricing structure must be a lot better in March/April way or here will be another season ticket holder that will not be there next season.
  10. Being a season ticket holder that has kept this club going by my continued support, if they try to charge £32.00 - £40.00 for the game, I for one will stay at home and watch it on TV as I would classify that as a rip off of the loyalty that I have given this club in desperate times, and I would seriously consider my position for next year, whether to renew the ticket, there is taking the **** and TAKING THE ****.
  11. Mark Wright & Killer with Big Dave Watson in reserve
  12. Stayed away from the radio and prayed to the GOD of football and my look what happened. Glad to hear the fans are going mad on the radio.
  13. Mark Dennis without a doubt
  14. The first win at Deepdale since 1949 in 10 visits !!!
  15. frankly my dam I dont give a dear, thats what is depressing and I've been and still am a season ticket holder for nearly 30 years !!!
  16. look on the bright side you havent paid nearly a £100 to go to the hospitality to watch us get humiliated by Bristol City like me!!!
  17. Always a good idea to let the strikers that actually score goals go on loan to other clubs.
  18. What the **** are you on about!! Childish name calling shows you to be of similar standing and regard to the other total moron on this site called Scooby!!
  19. Shows how much I know about football doesn't it !!
  20. Us getting totally humiliated
  21. No the reason was he hit it like a limp wristed nancy boy, my 6 month old grandson would have done a better job and he can not walk yet!!!
  22. Yes it is Matt's Birthday, I know because I was exactly 10 years old to the day when Matt was born !!
  23. Better watch out Rupes will probably try to shoot it!!
  24. Easy answer to that, get your mates down here to give you an interview for a job down here, take the interview letter to the Job Center and claim expenses for the trip down, sorted !!
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