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Everything posted by mcjwills

  1. I use a Raspberry Pi and picture is excellent
  2. And not pay the £25.00 or what ever sky want to charge you [emoji4]
  3. Book - Under the Eagle by Simon Scarrow. Love a good hystorical yarn. Film - has always been a toss up between Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile
  4. Gangsta
  5. Come on we don't have pictures of HMS Victory or Southsea pier on the wall to inspire our team, just pictures of ex players that go on to be the most expensive player in the world playing at Barcelona. Just no comparison really. Oops Make thar Real Madrid
  6. Darren I too find it bad that soon as Alpine puts his point of view out he is abused by all in sundry on this site. I enjoy reading other people hopes and fears for Southampton, but find it bad that fellow members have to resort to bullying tactics and then have the temerity of calling him a troll. I think we still need a couple of defenders but I trust RoKo to make the right decision.
  7. Willow will do his upmost to accommodate his members and if it is on and he can get a stream he will show it. It will be worth it for the games all in in hd next season alone. It works out at £1.00 a week so go for it
  8. Prefer it to be like it was when I was at Wembley for Euro96, great day out at Wembley.
  9. Just think if a multi billionaire buys the club, all those investors £1000 shares will be worth an incalculable amount of money.
  10. Currently they have so many 24/7 channels showing it's hard not to find something to watch and soon as the season starts theree will be dedicated PL channels and Willo is adding channels every week. He is virtually making your sports subs not required. And I wished I had taken a punt on lifetime at £70 last year as well.
  11. CB Fry that statement is an unwarranted and uncalled for attack on a fellow forum member, just because you do not believe in his assessments there is no need to troll him especially as he has not had a post in this thread for at least 250 posts
  12. Or our European cousins are the type to buy the scarves, so if you turn up at the ticket office with one on the ticket office staff may mistake you for a local and you get your ticket
  13. 94% pass completion rate by Clasie is not bad at all
  14. Jordy had a 94% pass completion according to the stats on Fox sports 1
  15. 3-0 Juanmi
  16. Managed to find a reasonable stream in Kodi on sports devil at least no buffering any way
  17. The program starts at 7.05 UK time on Fox Sports 1 NL channel.
  18. Yeah but they are the bestest deluded nutters in the world
  19. Think he will be rested and come on for the last 20 minutes for a run out just to get all his preferred starters on the pitch.
  20. Feyernoords game Thursday is being broadcast live on Fox sports 1 Holland
  21. Must have been watching different game to me on Saturday, he appeared quite competent on his display in goal
  22. Nah that went with Nigel
  23. Just seen on Fox 1 that they have the Feeyenoord (sp) game on next week
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