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Everything posted by mcjwills

  1. Sideload it from the kodi website. Go into setting and tick the box in security to allow you to download from other sources. Download kodi from kodi website, make sure you choose android version and install. Join the official sportsmania Facebook group and on the pinned post at the top will give instructions how to install the addon. Have a look at http://www.seo-michael.co.uk for instructions how to put an addon on. Follow the procedure on how to install Genesis as the basic procedure is the same for all addons. Genesis is excellent for films and tv. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  2. View beware to watch on 2 devices at the same time you will require 2 accounts, as the multiple logins was being abused. God knows why at just over a £1.00 a week based on a six month subscription, but it was and so they had to restrict you to one device per login at a time. If you log in the other person will be kicked out. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  3. For those of you been let down by Sportsmania, they have posted the above for you all Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  4. Just a warning Willow will be away on his wedding and honeymoon for 2 weeks, from Saturday and will have his partner looking after the site so his service may not be a quick to resolve issues while he is away. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  5. Willow has said IF YOU WANT YOUR 1 DAY BACK HERE IS THE COUPON CODE TO PUT INTO THE PAYMENTS SECTION " sundaymadness " DON'T PUT THE EXPLMATION MARKS GUYS , This coupon offer also ends Friday please don't request one after friday ok lads as it clears states right here the expiry of the gesture, Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  6. Willow has said if you contact him he will give you an extra days stream due to the issues. If you go to his Facebook support page he has a full explanation of the fault and has fessed up that it was his end. He is putting in measures to prevent it happening again. Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
  7. TSN3 has been reset and is ok
  8. No problem at the moment on CTH
  9. What channel are you on
  10. 2.3.9
  11. If you are having buffer issues in kodi on android it is recomnended that you download a cache cleaning tool. Sportsmania recommend Mucky Ducks. This can be done by Sysyem>>Filemanager>>add source type in http://muckys.kodimediaportal.ml then hit the enter button it will now as for you to name it call it Mucky Duck. Back up until you are at the main screen System >> settings>>addons>>install from zip file>> mucky ducks press enter and wait for repo to load. Back up to main screen again go Programs>>get more>>mucky duck wizards>>install. Back up and open muck ducks wizard click down to maintenance then delete cache and packages. I recommend if you have an android box to perform this before you start sportsmania on Match day.
  12. Highlight sportsmania but do not click press the c button to bring up the context menu. Highlight configure and press enter and the version should be shown.
  13. Is it on an android box?
  14. Are you running 3.2.9 version of sportsmania?
  15. How are you watching via kodi or the Web?
  16. Sportsmania has a closed group on face book the official sportsmania group, Willow is on there all the time sorting out issues and if a stream is down you can contact the admins to get it sorted very quickly. You have to apply to join but it is just a formality. There has been a lot of help with the addon update and how to sort it out. I spent 5 hours the other night helping people that had issues and we're not confident with kodi.
  17. Jason a backup is skysports F1/ bt espn
  18. George use the backup in skysports F1/bt espn that is showing bt sport Europe in hd
  19. May not be tonight as I am off out tonight something to do with Midgetland
  20. Let me know what version you are on what equipment you are using and we will see if we can work it out for you to get you up and running
  21. Jason what is your issue. Are you on kodi?
  22. For all of you having issues especially Mathew, if you are on Facebook join offical sportsmania group, because there has been a lot of changes he is out giving a lot of support there.
  23. For £50.00 the River Inn does an Xmas meal
  24. Join the Facebook page and contact Willow Wilo he will sort you out
  25. They have a new page your link needs to be updated try http://sportsmania.eu as a link only
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