Jason why not just do a fb account for SM or SN you do not need to do any other posting just questions that need to be asked, they are all quite friendly on there like this place plus a lot of banter between different clubs fans and not seen 1 skate yet ☺
Went on at 10 to 3 on TSN5 and it was excellent stream all day no buffer, people have a tendency to leave it to the last minute. Advice is get in 15 mons before games start and invariably you will be fine.
Ohhh the planes on fire, what do you mean you want to get off the plane before it blows up, you can wait till my wife and I have got to get my luggage out of the locker.
The girl recently takem on and that is the under 21 team photographer is on a part time basis as currently this week she is out with the GB rowing squad taking pictures. She did have a degree in sports photography.