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Everything posted by mcjwills

  1. The repo address has changed try http://sportsmania.eu/repo instead and it will work then [emoji3]
  2. For those of you interested Willow has put for Black Friday 2 deals up 6 months membership for £20.00 using code blackfriday20 and for the first 100 applications for £100.00 lifetime memberships using code Blackfriday100 it must be applied before midnight.
  3. Should be good enough try a 1 day membership to see if is ok for you
  4. Yes but you can download from other places I know it is on the Facebook page.
  5. As long as it is flash enabled should not be a problem. If you have an account try logging in on one at currys
  6. Just an update the app for android has been released and is on Google playstore. You will also need to download mx player as well to get it working farm all accounts.
  7. Just to let you know if you look at the Facebook page there are instructions on how to put their beta app on android devices.
  8. Will not get much response from Willow at the moment he has been admitted to hospital. Should be out tomorrow.
  9. What do you give ISIS free right to kill who ever they want and rape any females in the an area they control. World War 2 and the pacifism shown towards Hitler in the years leading up to it worked well did it not. I abhor violence but the only way we will stop ISIS is to utterly defeat them, this is the ideal time for Obama and Putin 2 of the 3 biggest superpowers to put to the end of these people. God forbid what will happen if they ever get to overtake a country that has nuclear weapons.
  10. Or if your a sportsmania member [emoji3][emoji3][emoji3]
  11. Frankly I don't give two hoots about any players sexual orientation. I will simply judge the player on their skills and abilities.
  12. Got a copy on SD card and an image file on the laptop ready to go [emoji3][emoji3][emoji3]
  13. Hence why I took the lifetime punt as with everything in life it is a gamble. Mine is that Sportsmania last at least 3 years. Anything after that is a Brucie bonus.
  14. Jason why pull the power lead when there is function on the power button in kodi main screen to soft reboot the machine.
  15. If you are watching via kodi. Download mucky ducks maintenance tools. Google how to do it. Once loaded delete cache and delete packages. Reboot your machine and you should be ok. Also would recommend looking at rebooting your router. If you are using auto wifi channel download a program to interrogate your wifi to find out the best channel to use and change to that as your neighbours wifi maybe interfering. The best option is to use an Ethernet cable.
  16. Richard you can do it one of 2 ways 1. Straight from the website in safari at http://www.Sportsmania.eu or you can pay £10.00 for IPAWIND and put kodi on your Mac. Personally I would use the website in your position. You will have to sign up and get a subscription. 6 months is the most popular option for about £26.00.
  17. Great to see JWP knew to go to the corner
  18. But his job is to control the Watmore and that is what he is doing
  19. Was on the tube last week walking downstairs and came across a disabled elderly woman struggling to walk down the stairs and the mass hordes just rushing by her with scant regard for her safety. I positioned myself a couple of steps behind her so the hordes would have to go round me and miss her and I walked with her until she got to her platform. I may have missed my tube connection but there was always another on in the next 10 minutes. Better for me to be late than the old lady be hurt.
  20. It's up and running for tonight and Willow is investing in a new security measures to prevent the same thing happening again Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. mcjwills

    Ralph Kruger

    When you look at the size of the USA statistically the ammount of good players should be quite large. The infrastructure in the US is growing and as that gets better they will improve. If they start to throw cash to the levels the PL has and the world's better players and coaches, decide it is a better option over there especially if they were to limit oversea players the US players will improve their skills. It will take time but they will become a powerhouse in world football one day.
  22. mcjwills

    Ralph Kruger

    All these Having a go at Ralph have not seen how big business is run. Ralph is typical a chairman of a company that is out to promote business excellence. If you ever attend an event with a lot of top execs you will find that Ralph is actually quite good compared to some top executives.
  23. He seems a tad upset
  24. Does seem that we have our mojo back, Not suprisingly it happened at the same time as the return of Bertrand and the introduction of VvD. The missing parts of the puzzle. What will the introduction of Classie have on the team.
  25. They are streaming directly from the premier league pass website so the streams should be mint now on all games
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