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Everything posted by Trader

  1. I was thinking it was either Brighton or Leeds - maybe it was both which somehow got mixed up in my brain. Whichever it was, he gave some truly bizarre decisions, both for us and against, so I can’t really accuse him of bias. He was just shockingly bad, and I think a Premier League referee at the time.
  2. Peter Walton gave one of the worst refereeing performances I have ever seen in a home match when we were in League One. Can’t remember who we were playing - but I think we won.
  3. Sky Sports reporting that apart from Southampton knocking out Arsenal, there were no other shocks in the 4th round today. Take a look at the table you tossers - talk about London-centric!!
  4. Tut tut, a grammar school boy not being able to spell ‘lose’. It’s 4 letters FFS.
  5. On the other hand, we might do a Boscombe and completely fuck up the rest of the season. I don’t think we will, but I’ll still be relieved when we hit that 40 point mark.
  6. Wot he said.
  7. Of course.
  8. Let’s hope that he learned to spell grammar there.
  9. It wouldn’t be so bad if I could work out what she’s saying half the time. And on the subject of unfunny comedians and 8 out of 10 cats, Jon Richardson gets my vote. It’s painful to watch.
  10. Trader

    Adam Lallana

    Adam is leaving Liverpool FC to spend more time with his money.
  11. Trader


    I don’t care what you all say, I tnnk he’s brilliant.
  12. I don’t know whether you’re still looking for this. I realise you posted this 6 weeks ago, but I have done a version you may be interested in. Give me an email address and I will send it to you as an attachment.
  13. They’ve got to get rid of this VAR from Stockley Park nonsense - they never seem to get it right.
  14. Creepy Joe stands no chance. I think the Democrats will replace him before too long. If they don’t they’re toast. Again.
  15. Trader


  16. And of course his sister Pat remains the only British woman to have a Greek island named after her.
  17. I notice that like the main BBC News website headline, you two can’t spell his name either. RIP Sir Stirling.
  18. Trader


    On the contrary, it would seem that, as confirmed only a few months ago, that the majority of the country don’t agree with you.
  19. People who write ‘loose’ when they mean ‘lose’. Loose - not tight. Lose - not win. It’s really not difficult.
  20. I’m curious to know what your degree is in. Just askin’. Or indeed A-levels.
  21. Their debt is down to the Labour government that abolished student grants and introduced student loans.
  22. I also have 3 children - one in her early 40’s, one in her early 30s and one in his late 20s. Amazingly in spite of the Tories making such a c*ck up of running the country for the last decade they are all doing very nicely thank you, as I suspect your own kids are. I fully expect this country to go from strength to strength after Brexit - so FFS cheer up.
  23. Many (not me) thought that £3 for a vote in this particular election was worth it. And I’m sure it swung the result.
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