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Everything posted by Trader

  1. **** One guess what I typed.
  2. I hate it when people get banned from here for apparently little reason - although I don't post much I am an avid reader. When Bearsy got banned I swore that Granty had seen my last fiver. I really don't know what I can do to protest this decision, except hope the Pap will be back. He will be missed.
  3. That's exactly what Clegg thought 5 years ago, and then found he was in a position to deliver on tuition fees, but couldn't. The electorate remembered that and IMO is why the LibDems are destroyed this morning. People have long memories and don't forgive what they perceive as lies from politicians.
  4. Trader


    Is that the same as 'The Two Bricks Technique'?
  5. Yep - the one in Bugle Street.
  6. Aw pap, you shouldn't be put off Stew by that. Try this from same show I think it's genius.
  7. Pseuds Corner special award.
  8. :(Started well but now on the slippery slope.
  9. At least we can be grateful he removed himself from the UK gene pool.
  10. Maybe it's because not all Canadians are dumb.
  11. £11,111.11?
  12. His leg should be OK by now though. I hope Fraser's injury doesn't take so long to heal.
  13. In '62, '64 and '67 pics. Scary to think how long ago that actually was.
  14. Can't you cadge a lift from Kat?
  15. Romsey Abbey Primary Barton Peveril Salisbury College Of Art (3 years spent mostly in the New Inn, New Street)
  16. Trader


    Even the 'breathtaking' live shots from that plane over the Faroes were shaky, out of focus and either over or under exposed. Poor show all round from the BBC - but apparently there were 'technical difficulties'. Looking forward to the next one in 2090!
  17. Trader


    F*cking sun's come out now. Typical.
  18. Trader


    After all the hooha on the Beeb here in Romsey we had total heavy cloud cover and it went a bit dull for a while, like it was going to p*ss down any minute. Total non event.
  19. Maybe you should be careful next time you pop over the border Sarnia. (I did not get this from the distorted British media)
  20. It's Canada, I don't think anyone on here has a problem with Canada.
  21. Do you laugh out loud at these people as well - but they obviously know nothing.
  22. Best of luck to either of my ex-wives trying to get money out of me. I haven't got the proverbial pot tp p*ss in. Life's so much simpler now
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