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Clapham Saint

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Everything posted by Clapham Saint

  1. The presidents making loans (rather than injecting new equity) means that the trust retains its majority shareholding. Of course the totally unintended consequence of this is that the presidents can take the loan money back out again without needing the 75%/90% shareholder vote. As I said though, an unintended and unfortunate consequence. I'm sure it won't ever come to that.
  2. I've just watched episode 1 and in the main it seemed to be about people genuinely struggling. There is one tw @ t who spent his time shoplifting as much as he could - who rightly spent only a short time out of prison before he went straight back. The couple who I had been told had been "bragging" about benefit fraud were confessing to the camera after they had been caught. I very much hope that tonight's instalment sees them getting their comeuppance ( their benefits have already been stopped) but they were hardly bragging. Their is one stupid and vulnerable drug addict and then the rest of the people featured seemed to me to be genuine people trying to get by with not very much. They talk to their neighbours more than I do too. I was expecting to be outraged by the antics of revolting work shy scum milking money from the tax payer but that really was not the case. End of ramble. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. :scared:
  4. How long do you think the officer had to make a decision? I agree that no officer should ever fire a shot unless they believe it to be absolutely necessary to protect life (apologies for the obvious contradiction), however an officer travelling to intercept a known gang member who is believed to have (and it seems did have shortly before) a gun is not going to have time to be 100% certain that there is a gun being pointed at them before they react. If they did then they would all be killed before they even took the safety off. The officer had reason to believe his life was in danger and had reason to believe that a known gang member was about to shoot him. In this case he was wrong but I can understand him not stopping to check the serial number and make of the gun he believed to be threatening him before he acted. It is tragic that the officer turned out to be wrong and nobody sensible is saying that Dugan deserved to die, however his so much as reaching into his coat would have prompted virtually any one to fire in those circumstances.
  5. So... are they suggesting that the alternative (i.e. making a loan to a company), carries no risk? I'm sure that all those now waiting for their 4p in the £ will be pleased to know this
  6. I hear Rooney is unhappy at United. They should tear up Connelly's contract (irrespective of his wishes) and get Rooney in on loan ASAP.
  7. Having just read the posts above I will tone down my post to Where do I find the editor?
  8. Where do I find the editor? Just downloaded the game but want to change the utterly stupid policy of having to sign players from Italy.
  9. A natural progression? http://newsthump.com/2013/12/23/supermarket-customer-refused-pasta-purchase-by-follower-of-flying-spaghetti-monster/
  10. Damn. I'll have to ask Santa for something else now...
  11. Oh yes, and even the most epic of battles (full armies both sides) take no more than 5 minutes to play out absolute maximum. All troops just end up as one blob in the middle of the battlefield making tactics (which used to be vital), virtually redundant. Given the one of the Roman Army's key strengths was discipline and holding formation testudos (sp?) etc this is even more shocking for a Roman war game. I can't express my disappointment in this game strongly enough and it is a step backward on previous games in almost every aspect. (P.S. I really wanted to like this game too. Oh well)
  12. It's terrible and a scandal that they had the balls to even release it. Even god knows how many patches down the line you still defend sieges what the AI's attacking army Gujarat stands there and let's you win on a time out despite overwhelming odds in their favour. Family tree removed Any meaningful political system removed A huge disappointment. Save your money
  13. The fizzy grey haired chap who has a pot belly and is starting to go bald? Legend.
  14. What on earth has the groupie clapping away to the left of the picture got hanging from his waist? Or does he have one ball WAY bigger than the other - suggesting that a trip to the doctor might be in order.
  15. Brilliant. Thanks Eric! All Sorted Now
  16. Thanks for the help. This is just weird. I wonder what the issue is.
  17. For a little while now the forum has not let me use the return key when typing posts. The key works fine in every other program and so I can write a post in Word (for example) and have as many #factless-style one sentence paragraphs as I like, but if typing into the forum directly the return and enter buttons have no effect. Any ideas why this could be? I have the same issue on both my home and work machines which are running chrome and IE respectively.
  18. Does anybody know if you can be logged in at more than one location at the same time? i.e. can I give my username and password to my brother in Liverpool and us both log in to watch the same game?
  19. Is that #Factless? Serious question... ...ish
  20. Very true Mr Williams, very true.
  21. Without wanting to take away from the tragedy of the story - "Electrocuted to death" Really?! FFS
  22. So Mcinnes had a table to himself and everybody else sat wherever they could squeeze in.
  23. This is one of the funniest things factless has ever posted/tweeted. Its almost as if he wants to look small time.
  24. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2515877/Southampton-masterplan-win-Premier-League.html Can somebody please call the mail and tell them that this is Bull. Cortese wants Italian players only!!
  25. Never heard of the EDF Awards. Comedy awards? "Creative" writing awards?
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