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Clapham Saint

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Everything posted by Clapham Saint

  1. One thing that I don't think anybody else has mentioned but would worry me if I were a skate... The Accruals and Deferred Income figure is £2.6m. This figure represents i) the value of costs which (as at the end of June 2015) they had not yet received an invoice for. - Maybe the electricity bill relating to June which may have been dated early July and some other bits. ii) The 2015/16 season tickets paid for in advance - these are held on the balance sheet because the money is received in the 2014/15 financial year but it is for matches that won't be played until the following year. The vast majority of this balance is likely to be advance season ticket sales and you can see that the balance has increased by around £1m from the year before, presumably because they have been able to put tickets on sale earlier. Ordinarily this would be a good thing as more money is being received earlier. But... If you check the cash balance it shows, £1.5m in the bank at the year end. The implication therefore is that a business which only makes a £2k profit had already spent £1.1m (£2.6m season tickets paid in advance less £1.5m of cash actually in the bank) of next year's income before the season even started. Not ideal. Depending upon what makes up the "Trade debtors" and how much relates to season tickets this figure could be a little lower but it still isn't great.
  2. A £30m loan over 20 years at 7% (all guesses at what we would be able to negotiate obviously), would require monthly repayments of £232,600 just under £2.8m per year. If (big if) they were priced at £35 per seat we'd need to sell 4,211 of them to cover the cost.
  3. So he is basically saying "We may have c*cked up league 4 again, but it could be worse; we could be f ing scummas missing out on the reaching the champions league." Good argument.
  4. EX favourite poster? His posts still cause me much merriment. Favourite ex poster maybe.
  5. He spoke at my Great Uncle's funeral service (they were both test pilots). One of the most fascinating men I have ever heard speak - even when talking about somebody else.
  6. I think (think) Barclays reducing the overdraft, meant that Southampton Football Club couldn't pay money up to the holding company, which in turn meant that the holding company couldn't pay the Aviva loan - hence the holding company went into administration.
  7. I should also say that after Southampton Leiure Holdings Plc had paid Aviva money that it received from Marcus it was liquidated and no longer exists. There was no CVA.
  8. I can't be bothered to look up the exact company names or debt amounts but broadly speaking... We had two companies. The first company was called "Southampton football club Limited" (or similar). This company owned "the club" (but not the stadium) and will have owed money to other football clubs and small creditors (Terry the Builder et al). This company never went into administration. It continued to trade as it always had and paid 100% the money it owed. The seond company "Southampton Leisure Holdings Plc" owned the stadium and the shares of Southampton football club Limited. It owed £27m to Aviva which was secured on the stadium. It was Southampton Leisure Holdings Plc which went into administration. When Marcus came along he (via another company) bought the stadium and the shares in Southampton Football Club Limited from the Administrator of Southampton Leisure Holdings Plc for £15m (IIRC). This left Southampton Leisure Holdings Plc with £15m in cash to pay out to its creditors (Aviva) and so Aviva took a hit and only received £15m or so of the £27m that it should ordinarily have received. I'm not sure which company owed the money to Barclays. If it was Southampton Leisure Holdings Plc then the £15m will have been split between Barclays and Aviva. More likely is that Southampton Football Club Limited owed the money to Barclays and Marcus lent extra money to Southampton Football Club Limited so that it in turn could repay Barclays. I hope that makes sense...
  9. Got to get one somehow I suppose.
  10. This took me a couple of moments (to my shame), but did make be chuckle
  11. It isn't about the standard of the education, it is about the unfair access to that high education. The real difficulty is in evening up the accessibility without dragging the standards down to the lowest common denominator.
  12. One of the best state schools ion our area is massively oversubscribed (about 1,200 applications for around 100 places I think). Being both an excellent school and free I would obviously like my daughter to be able to attend when she is old enough, however from talking about the admissions process with other parents it is apparent that pretty much nobody gets offered a place who hasn't been specifically coached for the entrance exam. To make matters worse the tutors who have good success rates in getting kids into the school are now so in demand that they themselves are able to be selective about the children that they are prepared to coach in order to protect their high success rates. Parents are now paying for extra tuition in order to get their child to a standard where a second tutor is prepared to take them on, so that they can pay for even more tuition, in order to get themselves into the school. This is crazy.
  13. Except that the profit on the sale of the players listed is recognised in the year in which they were sold whilst the cost of the players brought in to replace them is spread over the term of their contracts
  14. Who is up for FM launch bingo? "Totally revamped game engine" "Worked with real life managers to achieve the most realistic match day experience" "improved match day experience" "20 brand new features brining you closer to the action than ever before"
  15. Whilst it is no doubt run by his agent/representatives, his Facebook page has 3 posts about Man U within 2 hrs. I think it safe to say that his agent is keen...
  16. And on reflection wrong... Oh well.
  17. Ah... Logs was the geekier answer
  18. Logs? Which Stand do you sit in at St Mary's?
  19. Scratch that. Started freezing again almost as soon as I posted. I heard the commentary for the 3rd goal about 60 seconds before the out of sync video caught up with it
  20. App Froze a few times in the first half but has been fine for me in the 2nd
  21. Quite. I find it concerning that all the talk coming from members of the labour party interviewed on the radio/tv seems to be about selecting the leader who will win/what values the party needs to portray in order to win the next election. Whatever happened to having standing for something than trying to win by promoting your principles? Exactly the same would be happening with the conservatives had they lost the election.
  22. Is Pompey Online still a virtual gated community or have they started letting new members join? I tried to set up an account a few years back so that I could watch the hilarity but it seemed that they were so paranoid about scummaaaaas signing up (rightly in my case), that they just blocked everybody. Is there a right of passage to prove that you really are a skate?
  23. Does he watch a lot of golf?
  24. Am I the only person who doesn't understand this (and bertrand's tweet). What am I missing?
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