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Clapham Saint

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Everything posted by Clapham Saint

  1. My father once said to me (although he almost certainly nicked the quote from somebody else!)... "The desire to be a politician is exactly what makes somebody unsuitable to be one"
  2. If they manage to make it to the Championship next season then they really will have got away with it!!!!
  3. What a ***t "When the MP appeared on Celebrity Mastermind he answered Henry VII when asked who succeeded Henry VIII in 1547." Make that double ***t
  4. Bloody hell Trousers...! Will there be a 5000 party?
  5. I do which people would stop preempting complaints. Effectively pre-complaining about a future complaint, usually about the fact that they are complaining about a complaint.
  6. From where we were sat the key issue was that although we dominated almost all of the play, our tactics for the final ball were totally wrong. Every time we got near the box we either tried to chip the ball over the top, or put in an areial cross for Lambert. Had we been concentrating on playing through on the ground or putting in exactly the sort of cross which QPR did for their second then we would have won. It's almost as if QPR having big centrebacks was a surprise...
  7. No it won't! Fantastic effort from the phew.
  8. Actually we were very very close.
  9. For a club that has done everything possible to get rid of youngsters (who have turned out be be quite good) in order to allow them to buy/loan older players (who have then turnout to be sh it) that is beyond ridiculous.
  10. Post Brumark Investemnts (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Re_Brumark_Investments_Ltd) you can't have a fixed charge over book debts. For Baloo to have the PP they would need to have been specifically assigned - which they haven't.
  11. Yes, Colin Farmery. As he has said many times... It has all been budgeted for. I don't understnad why you keep banging on about this. Sooner or later somebody is going to look pretty foolish.
  12. After the second punch he steps back and holds his hands out in a "what am I supposed to have done wrong" type stance... What a ****ing weirdo.
  13. And change the badge to a picture of a fish... I'm in!
  14. What information could there be that they will send by PM to absolutely anyone who asks but won't post?
  15. Locking games to consoles only works if all manufacturers do it. If only (say) 720 games are locked then the appeal of the ps4 skyrockets and visa versa.
  16. I seem to remember a TV programme a few years ago during which they took a DNA sample (with his consent) from Nick Griffin to look at his genetic ancestry. He was convinced that he would be british to the core and was gutted to be told that his great grand parents were most likely Belgian (or something similar). I think in the end he just dismissed the results as a fabrication. ****
  17. What are you actually hoping for which will constitute a full and proper punishment? The public flogging of the whole city? Maybe some sample executions of fans who were at wembley, just to set an example?
  18. Ha ha. Oops.
  19. One for the statos.. Given quite a few are predicting Villa, QPR and Wigan to go down, when has the last time that all of the sides promoted to the top division stayed up in their first season?
  20. FFS trousers! A budget has been prepared and that budget includes a figure for PKF fees. Therefore everything must be fine. The budget also includes income from £11k gates and from the sale of golden goose eggs.
  21. To be a fly on the wall for that conversation... TB: Chinny my old mate, could I please have a six month extension so that I can try and wrap up the sale to the PST? Chinny: F*&^ off.
  22. If no extension was granted, after the 12 month deadline passed, the administration would have automatically ended and the directors would have taken back control. Anybody who thinks that this would have been a good idea would have to be a complete and utter "Nutjob".
  23. Mrs CS is an acrobatic gymnastics coach and so we have been a few times. Every show has been exceptional and we have always gone for a box. If you are choosing between the stalls or the cirlce I would go for the circle. The stalls are closer to the action but for a show like circ you are better off being higher up and able to see all of the action.
  24. Shortly after starting my training contract we told a colleague that a "young professionals" networking evening organised by the Institute of Chartered Accountants was fancy dress (it was close to Halloween). He showed up as a vampire in face paint and a cape to find everybody else in suits. We accountants are so rock and roll...
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