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Portsmouth officially eclipse Millwall and Southampton to set another Wembley attendance record after surpassing 50,000 ticket landmark It’s official – Pompey have set the record to become the biggest single fanbase present for a domestic fixture at new Wembley as a neutral venue. More than 50,000 tickets have now been snapped up for the Blues’ the Leasing.com Trophy final against Salford on Sunday, April 5. After going on general sale on Friday, the Fratton faithful have eagerly continued to secure their seats. And it means Pompey have eclipsed the previous record established by Millwall in May 2009 at the League One play-off final against S****horpe. According to the Lions’ official website, 49,661 fans were present for Kenny Jackett’s side’s 3-2 defeat. Other reports claim Southampton presently own the record, following their March 2010 clash with Carlisle in the Johnstone’s Paint Trophy final. On that occasion, 44,000 Southampton seats were sold, although there were objections when further tickets were not made available. It means the Blues are primed to sell their initial allocation of 50,300 and will ask for a bigger quota. There’s unlikely to be anything stopping the FA giving the green light for more tickets to be given to boost the growing show of force at the national stadium. Salford have taken a 3,000 allocation for the final and segregation will have to be considered, but that is not expected to provide an obstacle to Pompey boosting their number. Pompey sold around 42,000 seats for last season’s Checkatrade Trophy final against Sunderland, which they claimed on penalties following a 2-2 draw after extra-time. The Blues still also hold the record for new Wembley’s largest football crowd since its reopening 13 years ago. There were 89,874 present when Harry Redknapp’s side beat Cardiff City 1-0 in the 2008 FA Cup final.
Are they celebrating their good fortune in missing Bob Higgin's training seassions ?
Oh dear. Someone's been drowning his sorrows a tad too much.
Another blot on the night for Southampton was the occasional booing of Brighton’s Gaëtan Bong by an idiot minority, presumably a relic of the racism allegation levelled at the former Southampton favourite Jay Rodriguez when a West Bromwich Albion player last season. It was a few and fleeting but sad and audible.
See you in The Championship next season
Virgil van Dijk grins in the face of fans’ fury on happy return to Southampton. For someone who was supposed to be the pantomime villain and walking into a hostile atmosphere Virgil van Dijk spent an awful lot of time smiling. The boos were loud and the language colourful on occasions yet Van Dijk could hardly have looked more comfortable as he strolled his way through his first return to Southampton since an acrimonious transfer that was far more problematic than anything he came up against on the pitch here. A fifth appearance for Liverpool in all competitions delivered a first clean sheet and a near faultless performance from the world’s most expensive defender, who was a model of composure throughout and never remotely affected by the abuse that rained down from the stands. If anything, Van Dijk played as if he was rather enjoying the stick, so much so that he could be seen laughing at the first sound of the boos that greeted his every touch. 
Bob Higgins.
Since you asked. PompeyNewsNow @PompeyNewsNow Jul 18 A 3-2 pre-season win for @pompeyfcacademy today against @SouthamptonFC Academy. Dan Smith & Brad Lethbridge (2) with the goals. #Pompey
Big news today For immediate release 30 April 2012 ANGLE plc ("ANGLE" or "the Company") Parsortix Update PARSORTIX GEN2 SEPARATION CASSETTE - DESIGN BREAKTHROUGH ANGLE plc (AIM: AGL), the technology commercialisation company, is delighted to announce that it has successfully achieved crucial new capabilities in the performance of its Parsortix cancer cell separation device. ANGLE has previously demonstrated that its Parsortix separation technology can capture cultured breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer and ovarian cancer cells added to blood (spiked blood) and has successfully captured circulating tumour cells (CTCs) in prostate cancer and breast cancer patient blood. Capture of the very rare CTCs in cancer patient blood may enable the development of a simple blood test to allow the: -- prognostic assessment of patients to predict the likely outcome of their cancer enabling a more informed consideration of their treatment options at the outset; -- monitoring of cancer patients during treatment to assess their progress and determine which treatments are likely to be effective for them; -- post-treatment monitoring of patients in remission for early detection of potential relapse, with the potential to improve treatment success rates for secondary cancers. Primarily as a result of the original design being for the separation of foetal cells from peripheral maternal blood for foetal health diagnostics, the first generation of Parsortix separation technology (known as Parsortix GEN1) was limited to a blood sample volume of circa 1ml and a flow rate of circa 0.1ml/hour. Efficacy and practicality in clinical CTC applications requires separations of 7.5ml blood volumes in times of a few hours. Because of this, ANGLE has previously advised the market of a critical and challenging objective to develop "new separation device designs to allow ease of use in the laboratory addressing critical factors of increasing the volume of blood that can be screened and the speed of blood flow through the device". A related and important issue was that GEN1 captured not only the target cancer cells but also the patient's white blood cells (albeit in a different location within the cassette), which are not cells of interest in the cancer application. Successfully redesigning the cassette to address these key issues has been considered a major technology risk remaining with the Parsortix development and has required a major engineering development effort over the last six months. Highly innovative design and manufacturing by the Parsortix technical team and its partners has generated an advanced new form of the cassette (GEN2). Externally GEN2 maintains the same simple design and size, but internally the patented step arrangement has an entirely new structure and layout. Experimentation using the GEN2 cassettes has demonstrated a tremendous improvement in cassette performance, surpassing our most optimistic expectations. The Parsortix GEN2 cassette has successfully allowed: -- Blood sample volumes of 8ml to be separated. It appears that substantially larger volumes of blood can be processed if required, although this has not yet been demonstrated. -- A flow rate of 8ml/hour to be utilised without any fracture or damage to the target cancer cells. This meets the top end target that we set for the device. However it appears that we may be able to substantially increase flow rates beyond this level, although again this has not yet been demonstrated. -- Near complete reduction in the debris and clogging to which the GEN1 cassette can be prone. -- Visual identification of cultured cancer cells spiked in healthy whole blood with cancer cell capture and enumeration being accurate to approximately 10% of the cells added for numbers of cancer cells added of 0, 15, 200, and 2,000 cells in volumes of blood ranging from 1ml to 8ml. Bearing in mind that there is a level of statistical variation when adding the spiked cells into the blood, this is indicative of complete capture of the added cancer cells. -- Formal identification of the added cancer cells using industry standard immuno-staining within the cassette for cytokeratin 18, an epithelial marker used to indicate cancer. Again there was very good enumeration of the cells, closely in line with the number of cells spiked in the blood. -- Capture of the target cancer cells without capture of other non-target cells (other than very low levels of red blood cells and white blood cells on the periphery of the cassette) and without any build-up of aggregate or debris, making visualisation and identification of cancer cells even easier. The most challenging separation so far completed was 15 cancer cells added to 8ml of whole blood, which equates to looking for one cancer cell in 2.8 billion other cells. Our complete success (subject to the tolerances of counting the cells) in visually identifying the target cells in this sample within one hour of receiving the sample is testament to the sensitivity of the new Parsortix GEN2 design. We are greatly encouraged by the success of this further development of our technology. Our technical development is proceeding to plan and we are on track to meet the next key milestones, which are: -- Validation of the separation device for other cancer types; -- Independent third party validation of the performance of the Parsortix CTC separation device by leading cancer research centres including the Paterson Institute for Cancer Research; and -- Development and launch of the Parsortix cancer diagnostic product for research purposes, with initial sales to cancer research centres and pharmaceutical companies developing cancer drugs. Development of the Parsortix cancer diagnostic product for research purposes is in progress and is expected to involve a Parsortix GEN3 cassette as a consumable together with a compact and relatively inexpensive instrument on which to run the separation. This work is in progress and we hope that it will be complete in time for us to take delivery of the first units in Q3 this year. Sales for research purposes can then commence once the product has been tested both in-house and by our partners. ANGLE's Founder and Chief Executive, Andrew Newland, commented: "Solving the critical issues of sample volume and processing time is extremely important. This major breakthrough proves the potential for the Parsortix technology to address the market requirements and in doing so brings us much closer to market launch." For further information: ANGLE plc 01483 685830 Andrew Newland, Chief Executive Ian Griffiths, Finance Director Cenkos Securities Stephen Keys, Adrian Hargrave (Nominated adviser) Andy Roberts (Sales) 020 7397 8900 Buchanan Mark Court, Sophie Cowles 020 7466 5000 Scott Harris Stephen Scott, Harry Dee 0207 653 0030 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange END MSCPGUPCCUPPGMB
Progress has not been as smooth as l anticipated but is still on track. See new website for information :- http://www.angleplc.com
Today could be the day but more to come on Thursday. I bet you all ignored me
My share tip fwiw is AGL 79.5 - Don't hang around though as there could be major news soon. DYOR I suggest on the advfn bulletin board which has a lot of good info.
are you really ? lol that'll be a first then