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Everything posted by yorkiesaint

  1. As far as I can see they were both meant as crosses, and the lad was very lucky. The keeper is out of position too, too close to the front stick. Same with Fonte's goal, from a cross he should have caught. It was a bit like having 12 men, hence Adkins was being realistic and knows we have to improve. Barnard's goal was very well taken.
  2. I think the team will be similar to tuesday. A good time to continue the present momentum. I don't agree benji that its pointless. There is still much for this team to learn.
  3. There is no smoke without fire, and there has been plenty of smoke for a while now.
  4. .....not harassing people for starting new threads! Surely it's unnecessary, and where there is really a duplication can't we just politely point to the other thread. If nobody starts threads there is no forum.
  5. yorkiesaint


    It must be his distribution that rankles Adkins, as it is central to strategy, especially in the lower leagues. I expect Adkins to replace him when possible. Seaman was a master at distribution, could overarm throw to someone on the half way line with great pace and accuracy.
  6. Yes Dr Who, it's like you were in a parellel universe when Hoddle left. As far as I remember we were gutted, and then to add insult to injury he came back for Richards. The idea that Hoddle was hanging on is crazy. As for strachan 'building a team' presumably you mean signing loads of ex coventry players.
  7. I don't really follow this argument. Under Hoddle wew adopted the playing style strachan used that kept us midtable in the PL for a few seasons. Hoddle also brought the backroom support up to date, emplying nutritionists and sports scientists (dare I say it psychologists) to improve fitness and performance. Management is not all about signings.
  8. I'm not trying to claim everything that hoddle did was great and everything strachan did well was luck, just that strachan benefitted from inheriting a pretty rosy situation and didn't change much. He kept things going for a while, but for about 6 months before he left things were looking on a downhill slide
  9. I have always thought that strachan benefitted enormously from Hoddle's legacy- he kept the team playing the same way as Hoddle had them doing, and kept all the off-the-field improvements to training and fitness that hoddle had instigated. He changed very little. I think we'd have been relegated at a similar time even if strachan had stayed, he was doing a coventry all over again.
  10. Perhaps Cortese is just looking for extra finance. this seems to me more likely than selling up lock stock.
  11. It would be interesting to start a trend in which TSW posters wore a badge with their username bodly displayed to home matches.
  12. FFS, you could be describing any of the print media here, we all know what to expect from the media and work within those expectations. The point is that Cortese has made an error of judgement by alienating the echo and other media and has been getting the inevitable results. His trip to the Sun shows that he realises this and is trying to repair the damage. His problem is that negative reports in the media encourage others to think negatively about him, and this in turn means that people can get away with gratuitous Cortese bashing in the media more generally.
  13. You are probably right, but many are probably influenced by constant anti-SISA vitriol on this site, rather than their own experience.
  14. This poll is a very poorly worded question, regardless of your views, you are likely to answer no. Can you think of anyone or any entity that 'speaks for you'? Maybe a trade union but that's about it, and half the time they seem batty as hell. So unless you have some input into the views of SISA then you will answer no. Some alternatives: Are the views of SISA representative of the fan base as a whole? Do you support the actions of SISA in giving a voice to Saints fans in the media?
  15. To be fair to Morgan there is no chance that he woke up one morning and thought 'I know, I'll put some positive propaganda on the OS for the fans'. He was wheeled out by the PR machine, so tell them to sod off and leave the player alone.
  16. I agree with this. The problem with Waigo and Antonio is that they provided just as much unpredictability in defence as they did in attack, and always left the full back exposed. I can't understand why there is this focus on them. Neither were a long term solution, and it makes sense to attack with full backs more frequently. We were very lucky last season that Lambert, Lallana, dare I say it, Hammond, and Schneiderlin played as many games as they did: we are not likely to get another season where we were so lucky with injuries. We need to work out a way to replace Lallana when he is out, as he is the one we are really missing at the mo.
  17. OLDNICK, you can't seriously be putting our poor performances down to the lack of Antonio and Waigo. In tight games they were consistently the weak link, and their unpredictability was in their inability to perform their defensive duties. They were at best impact players, although Antonio has a lot of time to improve his game. Lallana is without doubt the biggest absentee.
  18. Guys and girls chill out. There's a hell of a long way to go. Everything is still possible.
  19. The issue is how much Adkins wants the job, is it enough that he is prepared to force the issue with Wharton? If not, then is he really the man for us?
  20. Well unfortunately NC has brought this upon himself by toying with the media. They, like certain members of this forum, are just waiting for any chance to hang him out to dry. It's making it all too easy for Wharton, who has got away with a personal attack on NC. For all we know Wharton may be demanding the earth.
  21. Hang on, I don't think resigning means paying no compensation. Is this arguement simply about the order of events, not whether they occur: resign and then agree compensation, or agree compensation and then resign? I can't believe its unusual for a manager to resign before compensation has been agreed.
  22. FWIW I agree we had a good chance, and presumably the spending in Jan was on that basis.
  23. Maybe you are right Saint_Ash. I just think adkins points to a change in strategy. Before we tried to spend our way out of league 1. Of course it was ambitious given the points deduction, but for some reason NC really believed it would work. Now we are going to see plan B.
  24. Why would you appoint someone good at working with small budgets and give them a big budget, given that you are NC and driven to make SFC the most profitable club in history?
  25. Not meant as a put-down, just a statement. I think the appointment of Adkins points to a leaner meaner saints. No more expensive signings or wages for people who the manager would rather demote to the bench for a kid from eastleigh. The appeal of Adkins has to be that he will do it on a small budget. Of course if all this comes with success we will all be happy bunnies. Edit: although it will be a tenner for a pie and a quid to use the loo at half time.
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