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Everything posted by yorkiesaint

  1. The only person to have a special match of the day goal of the season montage made entirely on one player's goals..
  2. interesting and roughly what i expected. ML isn't going to have anything to do with the club, other than providing a loan for NC. It would be interested when NC has told him he can expect a return on his investment, whether this will be a mandaric style sell out, or some other business model.
  3. Wherever he plays he's clearly not in the pulis / molyneux / smith mould. lets not forget how far we've come!
  4. wotton is the new jermaine wright, the fashionable mug to slag off. I would start with Raza and Perry, and keep gillet for fresh legs. Maybe gillet's carrying an injury, or just needs a bit of time to get his confidence. is pace really that vital in league 1?
  5. If he had really done so well then there would be a row of championship clubs lining up for his services, especially as he will be very cheap.. the apparent lack of them would seem to tell its own story.
  6. says on the bbc Sol Campbell may be in the frame for notts county. maybe we are in for him too...
  7. to all those who would rather be in our position, go back a few years and is that where pompey were? bougfht by mandaric to invest to get to the premiership and then make a quick buck by selling. roll on 5a few years and who's to say Liebherr won't be doing the same? Presumably he wants a return on his investment..
  8. Of course he knew him before, that info is on the OS. Why is it stupid to suggest that Cortese is the main man and that Liebherr is an investor, like the tax payer and northern rock?
  9. I guess so, so the question is, is Liebherr going to take an interest in the way the club is run in the same way Abramovich does? The difference is that Kenyon didn't decide to buy chelsea, abramovich did, and then he found someone to run it for him. in this case it is the reverse.
  10. Don't get me wrong, I'm generally pleased (so far) with developments at the club. yet it's important to get clear who is doing what, and not get carried away with some kind of euphoric badnwagon (after all, we have been there before!). People are saying that Leibherr has appointed Cortese and that it's a good move. It seems to me more resonable that Cortese and Oldknow decided to buy the club, Cortese said 'i know a friend who'll give us the money' and he duly did. Cortese has been running the club since the buyout but it's only announced today. It was convenient for them to let fans think a billionaire was going to come in, in order to sell season tickets, drum up media interest etc. Is Liebherr even on the board? It's all just a bit of subtle and clever manipulation which leaves a sour tinge in my mouth..
  11. Nothing wrong with that per se, I'm happy if the club is well run. It is just that people should understand that ML is just an investor, like a shareholder, and is not appointing anyone.
  12. I don't see this as an appointment, it is clear that Cortese IS the regime. ML is just going to be the financier with no clear role at the club, other than to take the profit Cortese has promised him when he sells the club. The way I see it we all might as well forget Liebherr even exists. The club is now run by Oldknow and Cortese.
  13. This is all well and good but it is all too easy to brand inactivity as 'sensible building for the long term'. Inactivity, coupled with AP's bemoaning of the lack of scouting, has to lead you to believe that we have few identified targets.
  14. Yes, nice the way he launches into praising the facilities which is code for little to praise about the team. shows he is realistic, which is a step up from the dutch duo!
  15. Oh dear, zegelar's goal was quite shocking, 3 missed tackles and then through the keepers fingers
  16. perhaps i shall enjoy thinking myself as frightening skewed for the rest of the day! obviously my heart wants the best possible manager for saints, my head however restricts thinking to realistic alternatives, and kk is one of these. i don't really get people that want a messianic return of some former demigod for some emotional reason seperate from their ability to manage. I'm interested in kk because of his previous record with newcastle and man city, not because he once played for us, or has a 'emotional long-standing love of Saints' which i'm sure he does not.
  17. head says KK. Heart says alex ferguson (no brainer surely), those with rose tinted specs say WGS...
  18. I think we are now approaching mass hysteria. Be patient, wait for the bid to conclude, wait.... wait.., then assess the fall out.
  19. I have to say that while the old guard made errors, i do agree somewhat with the first post. Those backed the ousting of Lowe, in what was in hindsight a 'grass is greener' folly, got what they deserved. this is because like children they failed to appreciate and took for granted what they already had. Now everyone is waiting for the new chairman but you have to fear it is a poisoned chalice because of mis-placed expectation. standby for Lowe or Wilde mark two, but in a different guise.
  20. we also need a typical english goalkeeper who can hoof it to our typical centre forward
  21. I think this is all ridiculous. I can't see why we should expect them to defer, and maybe they haven't even been asked too. They may also be looking at darlington where all the players have just been layed off leaving a skeleton staff of five... and with that looming over you, as others have said, you'll take all the money you can get.
  22. look mate, you come on hear and start with 'you people make me laugh' and then complain when someone takes offence...
  23. Look, the bottom line is that we can have no complaints about the points deduction. Lowe and Wilde were myopic if they really believed they would get away with it, as other loopholes have been closed retrospectively in the past. in reality, the league had no choice and none of these clubs are to blame.
  24. the players need to pay their mortgages and bills like the rest of us...
  25. I'm sure crouch wouldn't have told chorley anything he didn't wish to become public knowledge.
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