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Everything posted by Fatboy40

  1. ... which is now asking for a different password and may have gone down. Off to SopCast...
  2. Baj, You may not want to reply to this but how much bandwidth is this forum consuming each month ?. Also with us being such an appaling team and posts here drying up do you still intend that only those who have paid £5 can start new threads ?. Thanks.
  3. Damn, I'd completely forgotten about all that at S4E, good point !.
  4. ... oh and I need to edit the above post but I presume only members can do this ?.
  5. Agreed. Get rid of the fee, get rid of the other pointless forums that generate extra load on servers/systems (there are far better places to discuss cricket and why your iPod isn't working !), and watch posts go up and membership increase. What the admins are doing is admirable, however, this is just a sports related forum on the Internet, it may be only but the average Joe just won't pay it...
  6. I think the ten point deduction for going into administration, along with a **** performance in the league, will be enough to send us down for certain.
  7. Excellant I've got a crappy cold so don;t want to go down the pub
  8. Considering what's happened to QPR the build up was exactly what you'd expect it to be, they're far more interesting than we are right now (a skint team with relegation form).
  9. Give that whole squad another two years or so toghether to mature and they would be amazing, but they'll be sold off/broken up long before then
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