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Everything posted by KMondo

  1. I see him as more of a centre forward myself.
  2. When you put it like that, it's just amazing they haven't found a buyer yet. I mean, what could possibly be putting them off?
  3. As much as I dislike Pompey, the thought of their last few £s going to the child-maimer makes me feel a little bit sick.
  4. Do they say anything about the editor phoning him up to threaten him into giving them the exclusive on his son's condition? Pretty distasteful, if not actually illegal.
  5. Stuart Ripley's 45 minutes of wing-wizardry against Newcastle...before lapsing back into mediocrity for the rest of his Saints career.
  6. Probably worth repeating, over and over again ad infinitum if necessary, that phone hacking, paying police for information, obstructing the course of justice and all the rest of it are already illegal. New laws are not needed, just better enforcement of the existing ones.
  7. KMondo


    anywhere but Newquay
  8. 38 degrees have a petition up and running, if you're interested. http://www.38degrees.org.uk/page/s/murdoch-deal-petition#petition Doubt it will make much difference, but on the other hand they managed to stop the forest sell-off, so you never know.
  9. Yes.
  10. Go a step further. Write to your MP to demand a judicial enquiry. Write to your local supermarket to ask if they plan to continue selling a newspaper whose journalists think it's okay to hack the phones of murdered children.
  11. Would like to see it, but I have a feeling he'll be back in France before too long.
  12. Ball, Adkins, Strachan, Jones, Hoddle, in that order. Hoddle has us winning games, but I can't think of a decent transfer he made. I can think of a few bad ones though, eg Mark Draper in for 1.5m, Boa Morte out for peanuts. As Dark Munster points out, the 'appalling' list is disturbingly long.
  13. Think he meant Cardiff
  14. ...one revolutionary coaching set-up away from disaster
  15. Doubt we'll sign players from Norwich or Leeds. And if we sign Ian Harte, I will cry.
  16. Dyer, BWP, Van Damme, Delap and...dare I say it?...Prutton Liked Fuller and Crouch for giving their all despite getting barrel-loads of anti-skate vitriol.
  17. I thought Reading had already released him? Might have got that wrong though.
  18. Poortvliet presumably - I'm not sure if we actually paid him anything.
  19. The Lincolnshire echo are currently running a poll entitled: "Which current Imps loan player would you like Lincoln to sign permanently?". We should all pay a visit and vote for Mr Pulis. http://www.sportsecho.co.uk/
  20. So, he should just about get fit in time for the World Cup then...
  21. When Rasiak goes, I understand that Pardew is going to spend the money on a Brazilian.
  22. I heard Barnet are interested in Rasiak.
  23. It's a shame to see more members of our side parting ways.
  24. I take it you didn't get to the interview stage either then.
  25. If they want to go we should let them go, but the offers don't exactly seem to be flooding in. I think a reality check could be in order for these two chaps. On a similar note, has Rudi Skacel found a club yet?
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