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Everything posted by scooby

  1. That would be Crouch. Scrabbling desperately, throwing good money after bad to land dire players on huge per week contracts. We will live with his mistakes for years to come.
  2. Yes, and unless you didn't know that by now but we need to cut our cloth -- immediately. We are no longer living in the Crouch regime's cloud cuckoo land, and I thank god almighty that we have a saavy businessman and professional at the tiller.
  3. 30% profit by Lowe. It's called good business.
  4. Agreed that Lowe is in a practically untenable position. The previous administration tied this club to a host of dross on ridiculous terms.
  5. Actually, there is. Relegation > Administration and relegation
  6. Deny that a 50% profit on an asset is not a good bit of business, and take into account that we are a hair's breadth away from administration thanks to Crouch's reign of terror.
  7. Actually, no. It's a good bit of business by Lowe. 50% profit on a player that we can well do without? I tip my hat to him on this one.
  8. Saints, under the aegis of Lord Lowe and his Golden Duo, are going to walk this mickey mouse.
  9. Just goes to confirm that Lowe's personal body of men who number updwards of 10,000, and all of whom walked after Lowe was dispatched in the night of the long knives are back, and with a vengeance.
  10. Nasty little troll thread.
  11. A day trader who lives in his parents basement is a little different to the chairman of one of the world's most dynamic investment banking companies.
  12. Year one is rebuilding and restructuring following Crouch's reign of terror. Bringing in the golden duo, total football and promotion to the promised land. Year two is when Lord Lowe's contacts with the creme of this country, the old money, the landed gentry really come into play. With promotion, not only will this club be ripe for the picking, but Lowe will be able to use his nous and business acumen to guide us to become not merely a plaything, but a bona fide top six club.
  13. Good. Glad of that. As Lowe was the most progressive chairman in the game during his last tenure with us, that assures me that the new regime will be just as successful.
  14. That is the bottom line. That is a massive, massive figure, and it comes down to the singular fact that our good Lord Lowe personally controls some of the biggest, most renowned accounts in the country. He has a lot of old money and a lot of landed gentry money in his hands. And it is from these contacts with the creme of this country that our club will find salvation.
  15. No, not at all. I feel it must be the Pirates theme tune. Not only would it be unique to our club, but it is a stirring and rousing piece of orchestration.
  16. I voted yes and put my two cents in for Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Tune.
  17. You are not a fan and are not welcome at the ground.
  18. Agreed 100%. Alas, it is a class hatred that permeates these people to their very core. This is a loathing, a hatred that they will take with them to their deathbed and their very noble working-class death.
  19. I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean.
  20. People usually can be counted on to lash out at opinions contrary to their own, and beliefs that challenge their own very blinkered outlook.
  21. As you should be. Winners buy when the sheep sell.
  22. Dynamic doesn't mean large and it doesn't indicate a huge turnover. Dynamic, in the case of WH Ireland, indicates that they are progressive, a forerunner, a company that leads by example and is a trendsetter in the industry.
  23. And when all you have in your arsenal to nitpick a typo in an internet forum message board subject line, you really don't have anything of substance to add to the discussion.
  24. There has been some talk on here regarding Lord Lowe and his non-appearance at last night’s game. Although I am well aware this is nothing but a talking point for the chattering classes, I thought I would address it here. The fact that he can’t win in the eyes of the flat-caps is neither here nor there – boo him if he attends, scold him if he doesn’t – there is but one salient point here: WH Ireland. Lowe’s position with one of the most dynamic investment banking companies in the world is key for us as a club, and it may even save us from oblivion. In the 21st Century world of football where its entertainment value is of at least equal value to the sport being played on the pitch, money is everything. Not only do we have a professional back running the club, but we have a man in such demand in the city that we could never afford to pay him if we were to hire him for his services. We are, quite frankly, getting the services of the most progressive chairman in the game, and one of the city’s luminaries, gratis. But it doesn’t end there. Lowe’s growing and burgeoning list of contacts with some of the most powerful movers and shakers in the world can only help us. A favourable interest rate here, a player lent there. It all adds up and, bottom line again, we should be on our knees thanking god that Lowe is back with us doing what he does best: Leading.
  25. Actually, old bean, that is incorrect. Those with vision, those who believe in football developing from the kick and rush days of the '70s and '80s, saw immediately that Lord Lowe's move to bring SCW to our club was startling in its brilliance. Alas, it was the Northam, the flat caps, those regressives who through a haze of class conscious fear and hatred, lashed out at someone daring to come in and change things. A man who did not come through the boot room ranks and who didn't grow up on a council estate?! A man like that coming into our club?! No! Never. Those 'fans' cost us, and we are still feeling the ramifications to this day.
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