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About vindaloo73

  • Birthday 30/03/1973

vindaloo73's Achievements

  1. Somehow I think this guy and the cheating Cvunts would be perfect together. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2300644/Former-Dundee-FC-director-Giovanni-Di-Stefano-jailed-14-years-fraud.html
  2. I hate the city of Portsmouth more than I hate the Skates!!! Inbred flekers!!!!
  3. I got banned from @AshBeen23 because I questioned why would anyone from other clubs put any money into the Skates.
  4. This from the Snooze!!! Must have been be a nutjob writing this!!!! ' Fantastic signing other fans need to realise these players want to play for us we are a big club just look at the comments made my players they love it here (and it's not due to the wages) however why didn't we get Herman still don't understand that he wanted to play for nothing and we need him as cover now'
  5. I wonder if the skates will offer a one-month contract to Riquelme. http://www.marca.com/2012/09/15/en/football/international_football/1347730044.html The Argentinean Juan Román Riquelme assured on Friday that he will not play for Boca Juniors again, and that he does not know what the future holds for him. "I won't play for Boca, the team I support, again," assured Riquelme during a press conference which he gave at 'La Bombonera' at the request of the club president, Daniel Angelici. The director wanted the footballer himself to announce that his decision was not the result of any conflict with the club. Angelici reiterated that the player is now free to "play for Portsmouth", as well as stressing that the coach Julio Falcioni "had nothing to do" with his decision either.
  6. A classic from our 6 fingered 'friends'. Totally deluded!!!!
  7. Not only are the inbreds content in polluting Hampshire, there are now trying to pollute the beautiful province of Cadiz!!!!! How can we stop them? ****ing six-fingered fish fiddlers!!!!
  8. methers 4:34 PM on 12/07/2012 nobody likes us but we don't care. U may be laughing now FL but u wont be when we survive next season. So u can stick ur 10 points wherever u like!
  9. http://adventuresinpubs.co.uk/pubs/delirium-cafe-brussels/[/url] At the last count there were 2500 beers, I only have 2435 more beers to go! Go to Celtica Pub near Grand Place, all beers €2
  10. It's Takeover Friday - Port Vale, Notts Forest, Watford!!! The poor inbreds??? Going under!!! How sick they must feel when they read these stories!!
  11. Millionaires are usually millionaires because they work very hard to get to that stage. Why the how would a millionaire risk all their hard work over the years on a stinking, rotting corpse of a 5hitty football club? Any millionaire with any sense would runaway as quickly as they can!!!
  12. Maybe I should have said a 'washed-up skate!!!'
  13. Soon, he will be a dead skate!!!!
  14. http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/pompey-past/appy-we-ve-not-become-a-joke-club-1-3805796 He has to be joking!!!! If he expects to see 15,000 crowds at Farton Park, he's losing it!!! They couldn't get that in their 'Pack the Park' campaign!!!
  15. Looking for follow Saints fans in my area.Is there anyone in the Cadiz/Seville watching the game in a bar on Saturday?
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