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  1. Club statement here (sorry its the Mail though) http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1322967/Portsmouth-brink-Club-blame-owner-Alexandre-Gaydamak-forcing-Pompey-extinction.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  2. Looks like great news but "there for the grace of God" go us too.
  3. http://www.asiaplatetv.net/watch_tvu.php?id=3770# No drop outs but picture quality is slightly lower
  4. Absolutely shocking performance to tell the truth. First goal was a comedy of errors for Torquay with their first real attack, after that we fell apart. We couldn't pass forward, crossed from to shallow and seemed scared of the ball. Second half was salvaged by Papa who seemed the only Saint ready to run (I don't think Lambert won a header all night long). Torquay should have wrapped it up in the second half with a one on one and a free header, I think they will be miffed they didn't win it to be fare. If this is how we play against the second worst club side in the English league then we are up $hit creek without a canoe let alone an oar!
  5. Yeovil - the away end is standing only and doesn't even have a roof. You can't get more real football then standing in the rain.
  6. Euell + Barn Door = Another Day in the Office, another miss!
  7. Saga on
  8. Article now on the Echo http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/4254471.Lowe_and_Wilde_resign_from_Saints/ Nice piccie of the redfaced tw*t striding off from St Mary for the last time,smug in his own little world!
  9. If we can keep it to 0-3 then we can consider it a triumph of ineptitude over skill !
  10. Early goal for us and then a slide to a 1-2 defeat
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