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Everything posted by qwertySFC

  1. Chants we no longer sing . Nigel pearsons red and white army.... Oh what fun it is to see Southampton win away.... You couldn't score in a brothel...... Englands Number 1 , England ,Englands Number 1 We are gonna score in a minute , score in a minute
  2. 10 goals concided in the last 7 games by the defence selected by Jan....
  3. Indeed , it seems like 3 steps back wards 1 step forward ....a win saturday will make this look a decent well fought point
  4. Sue , I’m sure that you’re an intelligent person , if your starting to worry about a persons spelling in a chat forum maybe you don’t have enough ironing or cleaning to keep you busy , but that is another point. I would just like to respond to some of the points you raised. Firstly, Jan as head coach is picking the first 11 , there is no evidence to suggest that RL is picking the side as you may have been suggesting about Rudi. I am aware that you are living abroad as you have said in previous posts so I assume your information is from the radio, TV and possibly the press reports. Watching Jan at most home games, a few away games and in pre season it is very clear that he is struggling to cope with this level of the game. For example, during the last home game, he stood on the touch line hands in pockets virtually silent, watching his young players become totally disillusioned. After every game we lose and that’s been a few, he returns to the same rhetoric irrespective of the game, his team selection has at times been strange, QPR away was a prime example, he had a recognised defender sat on the bench on Saturday, but opted again for a team selection of his famous 1, 4, 1 , 4 , 1 , or what ever the combination is , even the players are getting confused as to where they were playing and it took Wotton to point that out during the match that players were not in the correct positions. To confirm my suspicions about his level of tactical awareness, the best was when T Pechart came on with 10 mins to go, we were 3 0 down , it was Wotte who approached Jan and said some thing to him within minutes Thomas was on , however, prior to this Jan & Wotte were holding a piece of A4 paper , showing and going to great lengths explaining what to do once he is on the field, we were 3 0 down , 10 mins to go, what needs explaining ????? The reason we are blame seeking, (No hyphen required here incidentally) is because it is his decisions, why ,we are where we are, he has no back up plan on the pitch, you can see the players are looking for direction from him when the going is tough, there is no flexibility on the pitch when teams have sussed us out , no inter changing of play , no lets mix it up here for a bit so the opposition get a bit confused , we are so rigid as a unit , yes we play some lovely 1 touch , controlled passing in the centre circle but you have to see it for what it is worth because that is where the total football ends. If you think that Jan has the impression of man who knows what he is doing , I would suggest contacting Ryan Air or Easy Jet and come over and see this mans ability upon a regular basis and make an informed , educated argument , rather than assuming we are over reacting, Sue , with 10 mins to go there was about 7 or 8 thousand people in our great stadium, that is the reality of Jan’s total football, the fans are not reducing the confidence , no player was abused that I heard during the games , the confidence is slowly ebbing away by the management of Jan and his weekly tactics.
  5. The best backing for Jan is feck off back to Holland, take your tired excuses , your pathetic inept decision making skills along with you. The man is a charleton , could be subject under the trade discriptions act as he claims to be a football manager/coach. Does he come from the person who recomended Ali Dai ??
  6. Dib Dib Dib.......
  7. Vanker ???
  8. It may be to late then ...surely we should be pre empting relegation now and have enough time to actually try and turn it around. Surely the lessons of Dull and Gormless have been learnt, like Jan, there intentions may be good but it takes experience, leadership and ability to turn a downward spiral into a winning mentality...
  9. Today it became very evident that Jan is way out of his league here. Apart from relishing in a few well played wins he has shown that as a tatical footballing manager he has very little knowledge or competent experience of what to do when it is not going to plan. I still can not see the sense in playing with 1 striker up front at home. The lads in this team have most probably been brought up with 4-4-2 , the players to day seemed confused at times as to who was where. I think the players are begining to lose confidence in Jan and can see that he is all spin with little substance..and today the illusion of Total football came crashing down , someone has noticed that the Emperor is actually not wearing any clothes and it is now public knowledge and for all to see and say....
  10. Well said , Fair play where it is due ,JP has rekindled the team to two wins after a dismal run of form, some thing seems to be ticking nicely at the moment. I do wonder if the departure of ND has sent a few messages to the team that a non positive attitude has no place at SMS. Please let this little run be the start of some thing promising
  11. I thought that Jan was looking at these 2 short term prospects as they are available for loans...as they sort of predict his pending out come.....maybe Jan has read some thing in to their names ..... Arhavebin Fayed and Bybieeve Rhibodie
  12. Nonscence, what seems to be missing here is that the fact that SFC is in the entertainment business. People will judge by their feet if they are paying good money and not being entertained. Would you continue to pay your money each week at your local pub / resturant if the beer was off or you had a case of Pharo's revenge , just beacuse you have a likeness for some thing does not mean that you have to follow it blindly . The sad truth is many people have a very strong association with this club and that association is being eroded by numerous factors. If those wish to go and pay their cash each week I cant blame them for their loyalty , myself I see becomming more and more distant from the club than I have ever been in the last 35 years. That is painful but is also a reality that as a basic supporter like me is fed up with the whole situation and is no longer that important. Derby had mostly full houses at home last season , full support from their fans week in and week out ... and where did they finnish ...oh yes they were relegated. It is complete nonscence to suggest that a full SMS will save this club. This club is at deaths door , no matter if 32,000 are inside or outside we have a fundemental problem within the club from top to bottom.
  13. Could not agree more . Its the players fault now according to JP. But he insists playing this formation . Maybe the players are ****ed off with the olny option of one up front. I am sure that they did not play this system as a youth / reserve team last year. Its utter ******** to suggest they can play this formation. In 10 years time when all the youth / reserve have been playing this way it makes sense to play the same system throught the club. Not just pin your hopes on that they can easily adapt to this new system. Problem is 10 years from now JP will be below his already well established mangerial credentials. 10 years we will be a sunday afternoon team , maybe Jan might get us promoted out of the tyro league but I think that is this clowns level.
  14. I wonder who the next player , coach or other is due to make a staement on the O/s saying the same old dross about keeping the faith of total football My bet is on Killer will be the next one rolled out to give his backing
  15. As a saints fan we all love this club ..but i have chosen not to pay the £26 to watch this dross and was lambasted for not supporting the club when it needed it most. I have lost my love for this club , the SMS experience and most of all which pains me to say but I am just not that bothered any more ..premiership , Fizzy pop league , relegation, total football ..Im just dont give a ****e any more about SFC in this current format....
  16. Life support turned off mate ... we are at the morgue's door if not already in side
  17. To all those fans this week who slagged those off for losing heart in this club by not turning up.......WAKE UP Total football my ARSE
  18. Still In Nappies
  19. Spot on reply. Going to a game is about the whole experience , the anticpation , the few beers with mates , the excitment of watching a decent game , singing ...unfortunatly at SMS the whole football day experience is so dull now .. Now wonder we are 18,000 down on attendances in the last few years. It is now all about blind faith in the team ..... no matter what the result ....Personally , the away game experience for me now is what feeds my need for watching Saints...
  20. You mean win a game by 3 clear goals ???
  21. Unfortunatly , that is true. Winning is 3 points and inproves confidence in a young inexperienced team. One thing that is concerning is how long will the youngsters believe that the total football system is working. If we go week in week out playing this way and we dont produce a win, it is going to knock the already fragile confidence in these youngsters. Yes we may have been unlucky in some of the games and were unfortunate not to gain a win or draw. The whole concept of SFC is slowly dying a painful public death. Just over 13,000 saints fans turning up this week, an inexperienced manager who may not be picking the team himself , I think Lancaster played at QPR purely because QPR are a club with cash on the hip and Rupert wants the younger players in these clubs shop windows. The total lack of interest in this club is so infectious that it will eventually become mundane for a lot of people. The ticketing prices are way off what is realistic , as a Saints fan for 38 years SFC was my Saturday , now days it's just a occasional glance at the teletext , the odd listen to the radio and a read on line. A lot of fans like me have either given up , not that bothered about SFC now and this is so evident in the attendances. I dont know what the answer is , but what i do know is that the likes of myself are so distant from the club now I dont think i could recognise any of the players if they stood in front of me.. The team needs to rely on those 3 points .. we can hype up all we like about the 1 touch , total football , youngsters playing their hearts out , but in the end this game is result driven , 1 league win in these early stages I think demonstrates what lies ahead for the rest of the season. If this trend continues will Jan be here at Xmas , I believe he will , he will be walking this club into obscurity....
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