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Everything posted by qwertySFC

  1. 2003 Rupert had a little thought to himself... I thought we are 4th in the premier league, we have sell out crowds at St Marys , a manger who knows how to gain results and a united fan base..... I wonder what Rupert is thinking as he sits down in 2008... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2008 We are 4th from bottom in the Championship (Divison 2 in old money) we have average crowds of 12,000 , a manager who is on another planet and a divided fan base who bait each other in our own ground...
  2. This is what I was expecting....as it was promised by Jan http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=y6bKk8Gr6fI
  3. Somehow springs to mind.....
  4. Well if these kids are nervous in front of the TV cameras, not mentally ready , lacking in self confidence ...and then are expected to play against what is arguably the best team in Europe with world class players....I think we are in for a right humiliating spanking...for all to see...talk about lambs to the slaughter
  5. Jan may take us past a new record on this day...a record held since November 21st 1971.......the last time we LOST by 8 clear goals
  6. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/3871404.Saints_announce___4_9m_loss_/ Players likely to be sold to balance the books http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/3871462.Player_sales_and_budget_cuts_to_continue_at_Saints/
  7. BWP to be tested at the end of the game ...
  8. It's Ruperts brother ....Fact
  9. I think he's being lined up for us in the January window , MW spotted him playing at Totton rec and has seen his potential as a replacement for Jack Boyle , once Jack has been sold to Spuds for 3 million
  10. That is the main point here, if we lose by a small margin it will be assumed that we were un lucky....if we get a complete tonking and lose by 4 / 5 clear goals the reaction will be as it was at our last tonking...
  11. See that one of our local papers have run a story on a an unhappy SFC Fan http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/3866773._The_fabled_spirit_of_Southampton_has_disappeared_/ What ever next !!!!
  12. Spot on Wes, obviously intended to counter MLT dismissal of the current set up. Mind you I know who I would akin to , that is MLT a man who choose to stick with SFC dispite numerous offers, not some kid who was obsessed and star struck with Terry Henry...usual load of Bolooocks from the O/S
  13. Bring on Jack Boyle
  14. I think that as we are football fans we can put up with the usual stuff supplied from the O/S .What I find really annoying is that the local press have not put any serious points of view across to the manager/coach . It is quite evident reading the majority of readers comments in the local press that some basic questions could be asked. But, what we do have is the local press allowing players, coaches free reign without any come back . If we had any quality journalism locally then maybe some of the real concerns could be addressed. What we seem to have at the moment is SFC using the local press as it's appointed PR person and I question why that is being allowed.
  15. I think the oppostion managers comments are the hardest to take and why does the O/S continue to post them. It is if to say , we lost , but it don't matter because other people think we are really good..just what is the point of that
  16. Reading today the quotes from Jan and various players contributions to the clubs current form, it would be good to have a real honest apprasial from those mentioned. Jan states that he is not thinking about relegation as he believes the side will start winning games consistently very soon. Jan also proclaims that “We are on the way and it will be difficult because of the position in the table but we have to go on because we are close.” Alex Pearce suggests “We’re all learning and progressing well and the way we played gives us all encouragement. “It’s a fantastic achievement but we just need to work on not giving stupid goals away and make sure we finish our chances.” Firstly i would love to know what the fantastic achievement is and in fact looking back over league results it appears that the opposite is occuring. In September we concided 6 and scored 7 , October we scored 2 and concided 11 goals. November so far scored 4 ( 3 in one game) concided 5 Jan has proclaimed numerous times that he feels we will get it right, some thing is not going right and it is quite plain to see. Again today we have O/S getting excited about another managers view of the way we play , surely it is time for Jan to stop making such lavish promises ...and to start to deliver . He is really starting to sound like a man who has lost the plot. Could we be the best passing team that has ever been relegated , on this current form and the grasping of straws the out look is not looking good.
  17. Ian Turner.. Peter Wells
  18. The crux of this post is , if we are in the bottom 3 at the end of january , what players would Jp have at his disposal to use, following the transfer window. It may that the like of AL or DS could be sold , who else goes is any bodys guess, if a decent offer is made for any of the players they are sure to be taken very seriously in order to "balance the books". If this does occur , remember the last January window , players leaving on the last day , no time to replace those who left, only with load deals, which is what we have at the moment. My concern is if we are in the bottom 3 at this period of time , we won't have the players who could scrape a few wins Maybe the press confrence next week will enligten some thing...
  19. http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/3838813.Bassett___Lowe_did_not_pick_the_team/ Seems some one has spoke to Harry then
  20. We have 3 on loan ....
  21. Bit like trying to compare Helmomd Sport to Southampton FC , who would be stupid enough to do that ...
  22. ........G W L D Gray 19 6 11 2 Wigley 17 3 8 6 Pearson 14 3 4 7 Luggy 13 5 6 2 Jan 19 6 9 4 Dont really see how total football has improved us. Lowe has held patience for no longer than 19 games to realise that things are not working out in the past. As Jan has passed this quota , looks like he is here for the for the long term..
  23. 1 step forward.....3 steps backwards
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