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Everything posted by qwertySFC

  1. Yes , it was a disgrace , can't remember the last manager who had a low profile when they got the job , however, did Wigley ever have a press confrence announcing his leadership.. No one knows if Wotte has signed a new contract , such a total mess , the most important job in the club and he is on his own already , makes you think he does not have the backing already of Wilde and Rupes
  2. I think it's a different one to the Pele we had a while ago
  3. T'was Killer and Gore facing the press with Wotte, the 3 stooges
  4. Well said , Lowe and Wilde not even at Press Confrence to endorse the appointment .. how crap is that ...they both bottled it and will pull the plug on Votter when he also fails to deliver...
  5. Apperantly he was desperate for 3 points
  6. So , he intends to look at the formation . Seems odd as I thought this system was supposed to be running through the club , ie Wotte training the reserves to play this system , so why has he not said that the system is ****e?? I think we are going down , the only reason Killer is on board( Nice bloke but don't even have a coaching badge FFS) is to try and deflect the march on SMS , who is going to have a go at a club cult hero ?? If Wotte was any good he would have been employed else where as a Manager , he was helping Jan make decisions on the touch line so his influence has already been felt and where are we .... Oh yes in the bottom 3. I still predict that we are going down , the Dutch Elm Disease has already caused its full effect and Division 3 here we come..
  7. Is it a Lowe plan , to save some face, surely the fans won't protest against a cult hero like Killer if he is on he management team !!!! Its all a load of rollocks , again no thought in this at all for a footballing perspective
  8. There is no crisis here , the Dutch experiment will continue , Jan was home sick and was not sacked , we will have Promotion in our time
  9. Not sad at all , guy had no clue what so ever , should have stuck to his part time kids in Holland , Irrspective if RL interfiered , Jan was a total shambles If he can Wotte with him all the better Good riddance
  10. This is the second club to have supposed to show an interest in him , I was told he turned the last offer of a loan down but was berrated about it when i posted it .. would be a disaster if he now feels the cause is not worth it
  11. The Amsterdam library have asked Rupes for their copy back as its long over due...surely he has the idea by now ??
  12. Recieved E mail today from a friend who has connections with The Herald that Calvin has been offered a loan deal until the end of the season. This follows Sturrucks aim to strengthen his defence following recent Man U defender loan deal Cannot gurantee that is is 100% , apperantly its in the players hands Would be a real shame to see him go IMHO
  13. Ok Rupert, thats Lee patched up for you , who's next
  14. Right love , straight down those steps, see Jan he will get you a kit to put on , and your playing up front on ya own
  15. We played some beautiful football but got no points. We need to learn from that and work on the mental and physical side in training this week. There is no doubt the players are good enough. I am very happy with the performance today , the passion and the style of football but we need to win...
  16. Quote, JP It was good to give Ryan(Smith) the opportunity to play in the second half as he did not touch the ball at all in the first half Once we win we will be difficult to stop Our next game is a big test , I expect a big win (In the build up to the Coventry game ..we lost 4-1) How much more evidence do you need , this guy is on another planet
  17. These are the councils suggestions for appropriate banners in our glorious game with the Red Army We are on our way to Wembley We will see you next year McGoldrick for England
  18. There is no crisis , we will win this league, Jan will deliver a win we have goal scorers by the shed load Rupert is re uniting the fans
  19. Rupes new PR man ...appointed today apperantly Promotion is nearly here, we will win this league
  20. Well I agree , the problem most attempts to distract from the truth fail , eventually we can all see that the Emperor is not wearing any clothes. It has shown that Lowe is trying to hold onto power at all costs , will use any tatic he can that promotes his own self importance. He is the Southampton version of WMD report in Iraq.....tried to fool us all but in the end looked a right tit.
  21. Surely old Ropes has pulled off a massive distraction technique here. Do some thing really odd and outragous , all this has done is deflect the fact that we have a poor manager, 1 win at home , proven goal scorers out on loan and facing relegation, poor attendance figures and no investment What is the thing that will hit the headlines , Rupes actions or the important stuff above, which has been deflected by Rupes.... I am sure this act of promoting his own letter has deflected the real issues facing the club. Got to love his demonstration of the distraction technique
  22. When Jan was appointed, I make no bones in thinking to myself that this idea of attractive football , youngsters given an opportunity to play sounded great. Considering that under GB many fans had seen over paid professionals in the twilight of their years turning out utter dross, I liked NP , although he had little time ,we did have games where the so called experienced guys turned up took their cash and gave not a lot back. I thought the signing of Spiderman , was a good investment , crossed my fingers that Killer was a saviour which slightly helped the release of Andrew Davis who I was sad to see go. The boardroom issue was not a major concern for me , as long as i can go to SMS watch some entertaining stuff , cheer the guys on and go home happy that at least we showed some passion. As of today , I must say that this club has totally lost the plot. Jan is so far out of his depth that it is extremly painful to watch , we have players who upon a regular basis are turning out the same dross as we did under GB and NP. We have a fan base that is so divided now , we slag each other off in our own ground, we have RL who is so blinkered on this "Total Football" continential approach it has gone past being embarrasing it is now a disaster. I , like my many of my friends some our STH , have no answer to this , we are unable to change any thing , all we can do is walk away , turn our back and think oh well ...why bother. Its hard to pay out on a regular basis , thinking this time it's going to work , we all read , as I expect many fans do, the hype , that is part of football , the expactation the build up . We have been let down so many times , a few false glimmers of hope now and again. As a fan , a supporter what ever you call someone who is an average bloke who likes his local club and enjoys football , I can't actually enjoy the SMS experience any more , the dross from Jan game after game ,I just can't understand him as a manger . So for now unless we have a change in manager who can instill the same passion into the players that I have about this club , I will not be contributing to their over the top wages.
  23. What I'd change if I was Jan, Reduce the capacity of SMS to 4 or 5000 Remove all TV cameras Make the players sign part time contracts Make the Championship into a league of 15 teams I'd do this as I am used to this level of football and did manage to win more than one game at home....My boys are not used to playing in front of cameras, I can only motivate players to perform in front of at a max 5000 fans, this business where they players have a higher profile than me is not the way to play total football ..and lets play less games cos the Boys get tired playing twice a week.. Problem solved.
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