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Everything posted by qwertySFC

  1. Is there actually anything associated with the Fishy Circus that does not have a dodgy background , Vantis just adds fuel to the fire.. You really couldn't make it up
  2. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/premier_league/manchester_city/article4692365.ece I know it is very old news but reading this just makes me laugh everytime I read it ,
  3. Oh dear .. it's all coming out now, actually sold PFC for zero and not the value £1 http://www.arabianbusiness.com/581753-al-fahim-hits-back-i-am-innocent-i-am-the-victim
  4. I think the SoA is not interested in maybe's , they will, type of loose promises I think it's all about where the club is now , I can see story jackanory doing all he can to "buy" time with any angle he can.. that is all they are interested in.. if they had the cash it would be splashed all over the news by Story claiming how wonderful he is.. They are up the sh**e creek without a paddle and spinning it all ..can't see Judge Judy falling for it
  5. If they are found to trading as an insolvent company, I wonder what affect this may have on the company insurance , would they have the required liability insurance to host matches or the players insurance. I assume clubs have insurance on their players in case of injury , but it is a legal requirement to have the required liability / health and safety requirements in place to host matches. Would it be a bit like driving your car with no tax and MOT , if your caught the insurance is invalid as the car should not have been on the road in the first place ???
  6. If they are found to be trading whilst insolvent , would this have any impications to previous matches. Or are the PL happy to let this one slip by the wayside also ?
  7. Surely it shoud be "Wir alle lieben Liebherr", He may appreciate it more
  8. In order to make sure SMS is not infected by the biohazard of all that fish
  9. 59% LOL kepp on voting ....
  10. Maybe they can appeal because the Judge was after all a Saints fan ?? ???? She was in red and white
  11. MODs PLEASE can we ensure that posts on the main board about Portsmout decline are signposted here , it is the most funniest, addictive and amazing thread , we have to keep all posts here to ensure that this becomes the most"thumbed" thread of all. Main board posts just distract away from this topic , keep it all HERE Thanks to all the regular contributers here for an amazing daily read...no matter what finally happens to our fish smellin friends this thread is one hell of a read...
  12. Thing is SP, this topic has been discussed in some length , detail and accuracy by some very well written articles by posters from SWF and the administration thread being discussed on the main board distracts from the main PortsmouthTakeover Saga , with over 10,000 posts , it will become an icon in the history of SWF and as contributers to that Inital post from FF we owe it to become the most laughed , enjoyed and memorable post ever... what ever the outcome of our Fishey neighbours , the Takeover thread is the plaice to post all relevant discussions .... Its complelling reading every day every hour..
  13. Don't we have a thread discussing all of this in the lounge ... It makes so much easier to keep up to date if all realted material is on that thread surely :smt119
  14. Markus has spoken in the press dispite what the article informs us, they just need to keep abreast of the European newspapers, http://www.lagruyere.ch/fr/le-journal/les-editions/2009/20090711/football.html Markus spoke some time ago in an exclusive with La Gruyere, explaining his reasons for purchasing the club and that he does not intend to buy Kaka ...yet If your French and German is good there are often interviews in the papers with Markus.
  15. Now John listen, if Bridgy gets you around the neck like this , you bring your knee up and into the balls it goes. It is easy I do this all the time with Al Mirage
  16. However, what a great vindication for ML that his investment is worth it , any Wembly final creates interest because it is an historic venue/ ground known world wide, for many people in Europe see Wembly as an honour and privlidge to be involved in any final there, when ML , his family and busines associates are having the whole hospitality / tour side of Wembly who knows what other knock on effects this may have for us as a club... JPT it may be , but in the world as a global sporting brand you can't get much better than Wembly.. well I think so anyhow especially as we would easily sale out our allocation ..would be a geat day out for a club that 8 months ago nearly went forever
  17. More owners that wins in 1 season..great record to have
  18. I'm supplying my own bucket and donations
  19. I did have some minor sympathy for the Blue Circus , however this clutching at straws slander of ML and his family shows what a real bunch of petty minded, jealous and ignorant bunch of W****rs the majority of them are. I hope the club folds , Fp demolished and they are wiped off the football map , i personally would LOVE IT , JUST LOVE IT as a great KK once said... COYR
  20. Top man , has demonstrated a very professional approach to this story of the Italian approach. Insightful also of the internal problems of the club upon his arrival and the work required to get SFC back on track. I think sometimes we all forget how desperate things were prior to May 09 and it is going to take time, plus we must not be disapointed if we don't make the play offs this year when in consideration of where we were seven months ago , frustrating as it may be of the last two league results we are moving forward , we are involved in two massive cup games and there is excitment instead of doom , lets be patient with AP and the team, it will come together. ML has full confidence in what is happening it seems and we must also , but we must be a bit patient for it to start really taking off. Getting to wembley in the JPT will be a real coop , can you imagine the feeling for ML Nc and their famalies when they step into wembley , a great day out and some vindication I'm sure that SFC , It's fans and area was well worth the investment , all the talk about SFC is football related .. what was the main topic for us seven months ago... COYR
  21. How about delivering one of these to Mr Story Teller with love from SWF
  22. Any Man U players maybe after the long chat with SAF ???:D
  23. This type of top level signing is bound to have a snowball effect on players moral..
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