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Everything posted by qwertySFC

  1. qwertySFC


    How we compare to some leagues in Europe for a division 3 team. English CCC. Higher average than 15 teams English Premiership: Higher average than 3 teams. (better than the Circus) Spanish La Liga: Higher average than 11 teams. Italian Seria A : Higher average that 7 teams. French Ligue 1: Higher average than 13 teams Portugal Liga 1 : Higher average than 13 teams Scottish premiership (LOL) Higher average than 10 of its teams German 2 nd Divison: we have a higher average than 13 teams in this league. In Russia , only Spartak Moscow have a higher average attendance that us .
  2. We didn't have a very good pre-season , AP turned up facing a team that did not have any confidence, the club had just come of its worst ever turmoil, we faced -10 points, players were looking to go , Pards had one hell of a job turning this club around. I remember many on here just wanting us to re-group this season , get over the -10 and ensure we are in good shape for next season and I do believe that is where we are. Pards did say in the SMS Fans Forum that when saints roll into town , the home team know it's a big day for them and they will up their game because nothing like getting points off the big boys ( remember that feeling when we were at the Dell). Players will up their game against us for possably there own personal reasons , I mean there can't be many players who would refuse us in this league if Pards knocked on their door, I think we are the biggest club in this division , we have an owner with a personal wealth of £2 billion and nothing like hitting the big boys. If we don't make the play off's this season I won't be disapointed , this season was always about stabalising the ship and maybe Pards has raised the bar for us fans with some great games and a wembley final, lets keep it in perspective ..we are only 8 months away from a position where the club faced complete meltdown.
  3. I have just found out that I will be in the UK for this game ...plus my motive for attending is becoming more business than personal enjoyment..
  4. It's all due to all come out in the wash
  5. Or require another 48 hours ?
  6. Hi Dubai Phil, just phoning in to say Job Done , coming home for re-asignment , sorry for the Pony Fiddler comment , all part of my cover..PS get the kettle on..
  7. Job Done
  8. I am very happy that today has arrived and the possibility of some detailed research may actually happen in thier accounts. With all of the stick we took from the Blue Circus less than 12 months ago was posted about us , I am loving them squim under the national microscope of having the honor of being the 1st premier league team to go into administration , a tag they can never throw off. I HOPE that Story teller remains in post to squeeze some more cash out of them , I hope they fund his global trips to try and flog their "global brand", keep his merc going . He is fast becoming the biggest joke in the history of the blue circus and I for one would like to offer him my sincere congratulations in the job he is doing and worth every penny ..the longer he stays the more we will see of this slooooww painful demise.....He is a hero.
  9. Apperantly its going to be so cold in Skatesville tomorrow even the lawyers will have their hands in their own pockets
  10. Ouch but funny
  11. It's going to be - 9
  12. Any future club that is heading for Aministration should first consult SWF.. To get all of their options explained..
  13. Ho Ho Ho. I think the thing we love Ho is the embarassment that jackanory brings to the Blue Circus, with his imature statements to the press of a "red hot deal" , "taking us to another level" "we are not subject to WUO" He is the biggest clown in the circus and I think believes his own hype, if Chinaroo was not around Jackanory would have bitten off the S/Africas hand with out seeing a penny and the Circus would have continued. At least Chinerro has "some" business acumen and was not falling in love with another no pot pi"s in buyer . I say keep jackanory on board .. pay him is "reduced" salary because it just keeps the shambles going, let him squeeze some more cash out of the club ,pay his expenses travelling around the globe selling your global brand to another mug , keep his merc running for him, Funny that of all the recent owners Chineroo appears to be the most level headed person sat in the hot seat and he don't give one shiiite about the club,all he wants is his money back and who can blame him, because without him the Blue Circus would have have folded weeks ago , the Blue Circus should stand up, be counted as men and pay the man his money . We dont give a monkey what the final outcome is , we just love the PAYBACK of watching you girls squrm, become a national joke and SFC holding the high moral ground..
  14. After a series of defeats from South Africa to New Zealand, Jackanory could finally tell the PFC Trust that "we have a new experience. We have victory - a remarkable and definite victory." Alexander and Al turned back the Premier leagues forces at El London, thus winning what Jackanory called "The Battle of Cape Town." I have never promised anything but blood, tears, toil, and sweat. Now, however, The bright gleam has caught the helmets of our soldiers, and warmed and cheered all our hearts. General Alexander, with his brilliant comrade and lieutenant, General Jackanory, has gained a glorious and decisive victory in what I think should be called the battle of Cape Town. The Tax Man has been defeated. It has been routed. It has been very largely destroyed as a fighting force. This battle was not fought for the sake of gaining positions or so many square miles of Fratton territory. General Alexander and General Jackanory fought it with one single idea. they meant to destroy the armed force of the Tax Man and to destroy it at the place where the disaster would be most far-reaching and irrecoverable.... Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. Henceforth Consortiums will meet equally well armed, and perhaps better armed troops. Hence forth they will have to face in many theatres of war that superiority in on the pitch which they have so often used without mercy against other, of which they boasted all round the world, and which they intended to use as an instrument for convincing all other peoples that all resistance to them was hopeless.... We mean to hold our own. I have not become the First owner in order to preside over the liquidation of the Fratton Empire. For that task, if ever it were prescribed, someone else would have to be found, and, under democracy, I suppose the nation would have to be consulted. I am proud to be a member of that vast stadium and society of Bells and communities gathered in and around the ancient Fratton Park, without which the good cause might well have perished from the face of the earth. Here we are, and here we stand, a veritable rock of salvation in this drifting world.... The British and South African consortium affairs continue to prosper in the Mediterranean, and the whole event will be a new bond between the English-speaking players and a new hope for the whole of football
  15. Ah Nick....Please look here... Jackanory is willing to take a pay cut to remain on board the sinking ship...Very decent of the ole chap http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/pompeyinvestigation/Storrie-I39ll-stay-to-fight.6098638.jp
  16. What is the betting that if Chineroo was not around protecting his "investment" , Story Jackanory would have gone ahead with the S/Africans without seeing 1 S/A Rand , It does appear that Chineroo is some what a bit more business savy than Story who would have done any thing to get a new owner..
  17. "Sources representing both Pompey and owner Balram Chainrai and Pompey have insisted it is "premature" to suggest that Chainrai is now preparing for administration after prospects of a South African consortium's takeover stalled." ??? That surely has got to be the same person...Jackanory..I mean he is only an employee
  18. 'onourary bell end ??
  19. HO, Any news on when this is starting ?????????????? http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/stadium/Details-of-vision-begin-to.4203042.jp :D:D According to the designers web site its all due to start... http://www.detail.de/artikel_herzog-stadium-portsmouth_22641_En.htm
  20. What day does the cleaner work then... ??? This deal has been sprouted about all week ..Lets just face the facts here nobody wants PFc and they can't even give it away ....mind you 10% of a POUND is not the biggest give away is it ????
  21. South Africans re-commencing the new stadium project....LOL and maybe this is what they had in mind Surely you could assemble this for 10 Rand ??
  22. Roughly worth a pound....would have brought the lot ...PMSL..
  23. To find 4 owners who are useless and cashless is one thing ....To then find another potential new owner with no cash must be a record, Fool me once shame on you...fool me 4 times.....PMSL
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