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Everything posted by qwertySFC

  1. Announced that Catherine ( Markus daughter ? ) is determined to carry on the legacy of her father. Statement is in German , have tried to translate the best I can .
  2. 1 idea, how about approaching the council and changing Britannia Road into Liebherr Road, that way every thing associated with the club would have his name attached as it is the official address of the company
  3. This is such tragic news for his family, thoughts with them during this difficult time. A huge thank you to Markus and his belief in Southampton FC , his effort and faith in saving SFC will never be forgotten
  4. Find out about Soton haunted places here apperantlywww.hauntedsouthampton.com
  5. Just not good enough ...that simple
  6. Rickie is going to have a field day if the crosses are like that for him
  7. 600 odd watching the stream http://www.firstrow.net/watch/23239/...th-argyle.html
  8. ;)NC is just proceting our players Image Rights
  9. Irrespective of the outcome, the vast majority of right thinking people know this outcome is a sham. Publicly they have been dragged through the mud, PL accusing them of not being honest, negative national coverage of the case plus the fact the could not conjure up the balls to argue their case with any reasonable facts more on a begging bowl pleading crocodile tears don't liquidate us. IMHO, more is yet to come out of this in relation to the pending court cases for those accused in other matters regarding that club. The Judge didn't have the balls to make the right decision , maybe a level of car parking fines punishment is more suited. Let them have their moment of victory, however, they may have won a battle but the struggle goes on and who knows what is around the corner with SG laying his rightful claim to the land surrounding the club, this may be disappointing now , but their future is not bright , they can bask in the knowledge that they cheated so many tax payers in the country when at a time when local services are being cut to the bone , schools budgets being reduced and hospitals laying off 600 people , I'm sure they take huge pleasure and satisfaction in their decisions to rip so many people off , if that brings them joy so be it, It's distasteful that they act in such a way and I am sure "The best fans" in the world will be just so proud of that record , if this was SFC as a fan for over 40years I wouldn't **** on them if they were on fire and feel ashamed that the club could act in such a way. Best of British to them, what comes around ..............
  10. what about No New Kit is that 1 of us lol
  11. http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/custompages/custompage.aspx?pageid=82690 Its the live feed SWF members have all day hijacked this with so many humours comments , I am surprised what dumb plank is monitoring the posts LMAO all day
  12. SWF posters so far if i recall have been TCWTB TCWTB2 , toaster, PUPMarian , USkateC , US baggage handler , OBE 4 AA , plus many more and one og my favourites was Nail in the coughing
  13. Toaster is a SWF member just having a laugh at their expense lol
  14. I was amazed it went through so quickly lol
  15. Your most welcome, I changed from Steve More An-dover as posts were not being displayed Posted a second one so hope fully it will go through lol
  16. TCWTB still being accepted then i see lol
  17. My Steve More An-dover is still being accepted..lets hope its displayed
  18. PUP toast who is that lol
  19. Im in as Steve More An-dover.. my posts were not getting through
  20. that is so un fair FF
  21. Im waiting for comment about the £1 shirt to come through PUP Marian
  22. Brill and thanks for supporting PUP Marian
  23. U skate C love it
  24. Thanks nail in the coughing for your support to me as PUP Marian LMAO
  25. The more the merrier I say EBS
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