1,041 -
Everything posted by qwertySFC
Why has Mr Blackmore not been commenting upon the people who have already lost thousands of pounds whilst being associated with a "Professional Football Club" -
PLEASE REMEMBER - PFC agreed to pay players 20k a week - whilst already owing millions why should the BBC and especially the snooze ( who are owed over £20,000 from CVA 1 ) want to have a poor old Pompy attitude - when these honest individuals and business get 0.4 pence - where is the moral stance - ok to shaft and rip off the public now want to turn over the ones they lorded over - Please just put this club down FFS
It really is disgraceful - Yet still employing a new coach and the biggest insult is employing those on 20k A WEEK whilst knowing they owed this much to so many - and now offering a measly 0.4p to people who traded in honest ways yet get shafted again to help the club out - The Brass nerve really is unbelievable
Take a long slow look - each individual and business amount owed from CVA ONE ONLY Disgrace that they lord over new signings, Spanish holidays, "community club status" and bring in another player "coach" when some of these amounts could be paid off - but whilst knowingly in debt to these people , they still choose to pay 20k a week to the quality over quantity policy , knowing they are each of these people will only get 20p - now down to 2p - PFC begging these people to accept 2p so they can ponce about in park kicking a ball - utter disgrace of a club List of unsecured trade creditors Amount (£) 5 ,928.43 974.28 667.00 277.30 2 ,904.39 4 ,312.50 198.00 285.02 32.44 462.00 11.47 2 ,000.00 4 ,789.52 549.40 10,000.00 6 ,010.22 8 10.00 52.18 172.50 1 ,400.0 3 ,970.21 1 ,271.25 699.00 770.50 114.71 287.50 2 ,989.02 157.50 71.30 1 ,035.00 3 ,468.26 1 ,093.38 44 .26 879.80 230.00 221.68 4 ,594.25 16.00 39.90 5 ,928.43 629.10 575.00 1 ,627.59 1 ,335.68 18,082.41 1 ,545.60 1 ,039.33 995.00 792.66 827.64 3 ,105.00 402.50 6 ,018.82 60.00 460.00 150.00 52.75 230.00 828.15 11,574.75 3 ,259.96 126.73 182.74 50.00 1 ,400.00 339.25 8 ,042.57 87.50 213.15 28,440.45 14,743.54 6 ,082.17 1 ,130.25 119.60 70.00 990.00 313.31 2 ,000.00 5 ,928.43 4 ,186.00 150.00 70.00 462.00 198.00 8 ,759.34 70.00 693.00 241.41 1 ,585.86 441.00 2 ,529.78 540.50 700.00 3 ,233.60 614.10 74.00 80.83 1 ,998.00 6 ,147.00 310.50 268.59 78.46 6 ,554.38 593.40 5 ,625.00 2 ,403.50 4 ,035.25 810.00 500.00 1 ,725.00 465.75 34,771.36 6 ,756.25 2 ,799.14 231.00 1 ,173.83 7 ,500.00 5 ,928.43 4 ,700.00 1 ,725.00 1 ,814.70 105.80 46,629.92 6 ,079.20 4 ,226.25 917.81 1 ,628.07 3 ,583.75 5 ,500.83 6 ,348.00 1 ,500.00 281.75 93,199.35 8 ,777.40 43,821.50 912.00 28.91 248.07 35,611.37 270.00 660.00 7 ,227.28 70.00 2 ,287.50 36.68 25.65 70.50 1 ,610.00 6 ,285.21 322.00 8 ,301.36 20,062.59 3 ,358.94 29,607.66 3 ,290.08 267.95 5 ,928.43 1 ,196.00 4 ,648.08 2 ,035.51 60.00 231.00 42,384.01 858.37 603.75 129,407.75 197.80 1 ,077.39 4 .34 833.75 70.00 462.00 468.00 182.01 2 ,089.31 222.75 33.03 615.66 7 ,556.25 231.00 214.50 160.00 70.00 5 ,385.10 3 ,717.94 244.16 7 ,636.00 232.33 161,454.09 73.54 30.00 45,000.00 3 ,450.00 626.92 443.85 5 ,928.43 465.75 594.95 5 ,643.05 8 ,276.09 150.00 3 ,818.00 10,510.01 12,300.00 1 ,897.50 3 ,870.91 599.14 17,650.50 2 ,677.16 720.00 827.50 2 ,166.21 4 ,620.53 492.19 30.00 1 ,234.03 534.63 748.62 1 ,802.69 2 ,807.05 1 ,296.35 6 ,680.35 419.72 9 ,761.17 70.00 2 ,036.11 1 ,051.99 194.91 149.26 1 ,096.00 13,018.00 45,507.51 300.00 2 ,955.00 5 ,928.43 2 ,708.70 190.10 484.80 4 ,281.92 454.25 35,000.00 11,000.00 73.19 5 ,030.00 10,000.00 12.50 40.00 1 ,884.78 313.50 46.16 3 ,676.26 3 ,257.16 1 ,092.50 3 17.11 11,150.83 7 56.78 4 00.00 3 18.00 1 ,000.00 1 50.66 2 31.00 4 62.00 5 ,671.41 6 97.00 10,062.50 9 94.90 9 1.43 79.32 241.50 2 ,659.38 5 ,190.11 330.00 541.31 5 ,928.43 11,305.26 170.30 222.75 4 ,818.82 l 2 ,673.40 132.01 1 ,959.53 14,091.76 9 ,500.07 15,278.39 585.75 19,535.39 16,079.88 14,880.00 724.50 13,848.75 520.00 964.35 324.37 2 ,701.91 6 ,660.00 400.00 112.13 13.00 600.00 1 ,982.50 1 ,505.84 6 ,138 7 ,468.20 4 ,691.39 67.17 345.00 695.00 250.00 2 ,300.00 702.35 270.00 650.00 5 ,928.43 27,479.85 1 ,828.75 12,454.00 17,725.30 47,261.85 65,397.83 19.35 9 ,729.00 98.00 1 ,523.75 60.00 14.84 305.00 54,777.93 1 ,023.50 603.75 4 ,386.50 924.00 150.00 28.20 462.00 150.25 11,987.00 7.50 2 31.00 14,013.00 1 ,990.00 1 ,725.00 1 ,494.00 98.84 1 ,637.09 3 ,375.97
A shocking read of pages and pages of individuals and business they are still shafting - yet happy to up their spin by offering players more and more and more wages
‘My agent’s phone has been busy but I have always known right from the start this is the main place I wanted to come I bet it has - saying make sure you get your fees up front , don't agree to any relegation clause , get image rights at 35% and be prepared to fight his corner when he don't get paid
A long sighted vision by the club, can see the way forward - no stigma here
GFA release official team song The GFA over the weekend announced the release of an official national team song, named “We Follow The Red and White”. The idea, spearheaded by national manager Allen Bula, was composed and recorded by a number of local musicians, and you can listen to it below: http://gibraltarnft.com/we_follow_the_red_and_white_.mp3
Finally Some Light of Justice God bless Suzanna Reid
I really enjoy this thread - we poke fun , take the **** and laugh at the demise of The Bestest Fans However , I think it is totally disgusting that they prostitute their club to who ever will bail them out , lend them a favour , have the Snooze run a champaign equating to Comic Ally - deploying more spin than a wind turbine on the top of the non lift working tower they proudly promote. Is there nothing left they will try to maintain their delusional thoughts of getting 12 or so blokes kicking a ball around a run down shack that most probably would be turned down by the UN for refugees. The utter nerve to renegade on contracts just to give a few thousand saddos the opportunity to impress another top level player - who implies they are all so wonderful - the shameful way the charities are denied cash , more un paid bills than a third world country and yet they want to carry on regardless. Just what is the next con they want to off load - well I have a new concept , how about paying back all of the money owed, promised and try to gain some grain of respect, for such a community club they have a way of screwing everyone , not once but twice all for the sake of putting 12 blokes on a field to kick a ball - and all to meet the demands of a few like minded people who have no shame or honour - I'm alright Jack and **** anyone who stands in our way
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-16833798 http://www.politicshome.com/uk/story/27528/ However it seems ok to wipe over £100m worth of debt , Tax and NI - No shame, no respect, no problem for Cheats FC
But unless the club's players, both past and present, compromise on how much they are owed and paid, then Pompey could go out of business. Just how much do they owe to previous players ?? The trail of endless debt , quick fixes , overpaid salaries - someone - somewhere must do the decent thing and instead of administration , administer the leathal injection to end this farce of a club
Currently advertised on the PFC Website - A vacancy has arisen for a Fundraising, Marketing and Events Coordinator with Pompey Sports and Education Foundation. Job Purpose To support the development of PSEF’s fundraising programme through the delivery of extensive events programmes. The role will develop, implement, manage and grow a focused programme of events to ensure a targeted income figure is achieved year on year. Working alongside the CEO, the role will also involve the creation and implementation of a marketing strategy for the charity to raise the profile of PSEF’s work in the local community. Skills and Competencies - Experience of working in the charity events industry - Experience of marketing - Good communication and organisational skills - Track record in generating income through event management - Confident and outgoing personality - Positive attitude For a copy of the full job description please email vacancies@pompeyfc.co.uk To apply for this role, please submit your CV and a covering letter to vacancies@pompeyfc.co.uk The closing date for applications is Friday, June 29 2012
Once again just shows how deluded they are and believe their own hype - It really is the most embarrising club in the league Hardyman said: ‘We are going to do specific coaching in the coming season. ‘Andy Awford, Alan McLoughlin, Guy Whittingham, Mark Kelly and me taking the kids – you cannot have any better set up than that anywhere in the country.
Premiership goal keeper coming in on loan. It's Tommy Forecast ....
So, once again the debt of over £100m is about to be wiped off with the swiftness on a few hand votes - And yet the PST seem more than happy to go along with getting the club on the cheap by offering a better deal than old Chinny's 2p in the £ - What are they offering exactly ?? 3p in the £ Well how about a new concept - how about offering to pay all of the money owed to the many - Oh but wait that actually involves taking some sort of moral stance in the old fashioned way - Pay back what you borrowed . They are always bleating on about the previous owners shafting the club of cash - yet they are happy to shaft those who can least afford to loose it the local companies all wrapped nicely in we are the fans - and we do things differently .. However in order to the decent and moral thing to pay back all who are owed means the bestest fans forking out a bit more than their "investment" of a grand , some thing that would never be achieved, so they are as just as immoral as all of the previous owners who have crapped on all of the companies, charities, schools owed cash in order to put a competitive team out to meet the deluded demands of the fans who are desperate to get where they believe they belong - The Premiership - remember that place where so much money went into that club not one penny was used for future investment in the ground, training facility or academy - The fans have wet themselves over their Harry signings - their recommendation's from a Terry Henry all equating to the deluded conclusion they they have the best fans - irrespective of who got shafted in the process and who is about to be offered a mere few pence for their services - They really are taking the **** - but like all things the have no shame because it is such a part of the Fratton Furniture - Just liquidate this embarrassment
Maybe one of the players can take this new role - 50k per year Portsmouth Football Club are looking to appoint an experienced Commercial Manager to be responsible for the strategic direction and development of the commercial side of the business. The successful candidate will be expected to deliver commercially robust deals. Professional Competencies/Qualifications - You will need to be an experienced Commercial Manager with a proven track record of creating, selling and activating long-term commercial contracts and relationships across a diverse portfolio of international businesses - Excellent negotiation and influencing skills, able to engage with the commercial market place - Sound judgment, with a proven track record of making the right decisions in light of competing pressures within tight timescales and with constrained resources - To be able to lead by example, to be an experienced manager of staff and a team player - To have evidence of achievement through working in partnerships - To have inspiring interpersonal skills and effectiveness - To have proven creativity and be able to generate ideas - Committed to achieving results and to have a commercial focus - To have very high integrity - To be an excellent communicator both written and verbal - Be able to challenge thinking and ideas within the business environment - To have previous experience in a C&B and sport environment If you would like a copy of the full job description please email heathercracknell@pompeyfc.co.uk If you wish to apply for this position please submit your CV and covering letter to vacancies@pompeyfc.co.uk The closing date for all applications is Wednesday, June 20 2012
:lol: A slur on the club surely - that honest club down the road being economical or truthful
The old smoke machine is in overtime - It's the players contracts fault, release a few snippets about their refusal to reduce wages , hype up a frenzie through the Snooze, when in reality TB knows that despite all his efforts, whilst racking up a nice little earner NO ONE wanted it .... Chinny wont take over because he knows the wage bill wont be reduced, PST the same - then when it all comes down to ashes to ashes - dust to dust - they all "tried" but can off load the backlash to those pesky players ..... and their naughty attitudes Quality over Quantity..
- who can pick out the bones in this statement - Love the optimism they used to have - no mention of naming and shaming players here .... 17 February 2012: Trevor Birch, Bryan Jackson and Ian Gould of accountancy firm PKF (UK) LLP have today been appointed administrator of Portsmouth Football Club (2010) Ltd. Commenting on the appointment, Trevor said: “Portsmouth Football Club is a vital part of the local community and its fans, players and staff have been unswerving in their support despite the club’s recent difficulties. We will do all we can to secure the club’s long term future and ensure that this loyalty is rewarded. “We will work with everyone involved with Portsmouth Football Club – directors, staff, players and creditors – to attempt to resolve the financial issues facing the club. “Our aim is to achieve an outcome that helps ensure the club’s long term survival, preferably by finding a suitable buyer. “We will now begin discussions with the club’s stakeholders with a view to getting Portsmouth out of administration as soon as is practically possible. Until then, our intention is to stabilise the situation and keep the club running on a day-to-day basis. “Everyone involved with the club has endured a turbulent past few years and our aim is to bring some much-needed stability to the situation. Quick fixes and wealthy benefactors are not necessarily the solution here – the club needs a pragmatic new owner with a sound business plan that can reinvigorate the club and bring confidence back to Fratton Park. “We have considerable experience in the football industry and are ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead. I have personally served as Chief Executive of several major clubs, including Chelsea, Derby County, Everton, Leeds United and Sheffield United. PKF has worked for a number of teams over the past few years and we have a successful track record as football club administrators, having previously been appointed at Clyde, Clydebank, Dundee, Motherwell and Oldham Athletic.”
I heard it was haunted on good authority - by the same guy who told me who told me his house was possessed
Oldredeye - talks a load of crap - its all hidden agenda stuff , what makes me laugh is the constant roll out of we can't disclose any thing because we dont want to jepadise our position FFS - its only old Chinny that has made a "potential" bid its not like they are up against 10 different buyers - truth is they have failed by a long way to gain enough support from "The Bestest Fans" TM - The PST is just about on par with our own SOS a complete shambles - Football is a business to make money not run by a few who want a friendly seat on the board - can you imagine a worse case having a fan on the board - Total Uberfan stuff - the rhetoric of Our Club or No Club is just pure fantasy - Heres how to get your 3 year season ticket :lol: Example 2 – Share with a 3 year Season Ticket over 36 months. £100 already paid into Escrow. Share Price £900 Number of Season Tickets 1 Number of years 3 Interest Rate % 9% APR 9.4% Funding Period (Years) 3 Season Ticket Price £250 Share £900.00 Season ticket £750.00 Annual Fee £25 £75.00 Acceptance Fee £6 £6.00 Total £1,731.00 Monthly Repayment 36 £55.05 Monthly Savings Plan £10.00 Total Monthly Repayment £65.05 Total Loan £1,981.63 Total Interest £250.63 Total Savings £360.00