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Everything posted by qwertySFC

  1. Why the high cost of decontamination Coffee over keyboard time
  2. With an urban population of over 400,000 people , what really justifies the need to pump £1.5m into a failing private business when it serves approximately 10,000 people at a push . One of the issues I think is not so much the idea of loaning this money ( although this has concerns for all of their alleged Tax payers) but WHAT happens if the repayments are not met ? After all why worry about a small detail like that with a triple star rating that the Skates have ?
  3. Who would have thought it ? And they slag us off on various forums about NC and The Echo ??? My oh my http://supportersadvisorypanel.co.uk/meeting-minutes/8th-april-2009/
  4. Do they actually know what VAT is ?? I.E it's not there money
  5. Also the fishey few, still harping on about lack of quality players, managers etc etc - lets get him in , or wow we have a great player just signed another 4 week contract - 2 weeks later his face represents Satin ; PST this , PFK that , Harris the other - minds are twisted around every day like a dog chasing it's tail , the spin from the Snooze is embarrassing reading - but they lap it up cos they deserve their rightful place in the league. It's a huge decision - if they go to the wall this thread will fade away - I want them taken over in some way just so that we can laugh & laugh & laugh - I remember someone on this thread a while ago saying it's the hope that kills them - well would love to see them kicking off in Division 4 on minus 10 , a team of no hopers and a crowd of 6000 still trying to spend their way up The meltdown begins once or if the PST take over - the infighting is going to keep this going upon our comical way for many year , accusations of preferential treatment , crys of I brought a share and I want a new manager, why is he getting a free ticket I'm a share holder , I want a place on the board and deal with transfers ......... The list will be endless and I 4 1 can't wait
  6. Now here's a thought........ You sign a months contract with the fishy few , you get a red card and banned for 3 games and \Guy states he may rip up your contract . Nice , but if I was a player and in my mind was if I get sent off I will lose me contract don't think I would be making a tackle to much ... You just couldn't make it up
  7. However, a spokesman for PKF said: ‘We had to go to the court in January because it was the one year anniversary of the club being in administration on February 17, so we had to ask for an extension. ‘The extension started on February 17, so takes us through to August 17, but we’re not expecting the administration to last that long. Really !!!!!!
  8. ‘For the ten-and-half month period to January 2, these are 7,295 hours and £2.16m respectively. Nice hourly rate there Trev - keep it going me old boy
  9. Has he been offered a monthly contract ?
  10. But , classy picture posted by Beattie - one of my all time favorite pictures of a Saints player
  11. I just cannot understand it - They have Drogba's apprentice, Sam Sodje who only last week claimed he was not there just for money, maybe he had a holiday booked ...Guy who claims he's up for the job and the best man to carry them forward.. after 2 draws .. Eastwood has been in resurgent form .. Liam Walker scores one goal last week and is now in the England frame According to the Snooze all this pep talking you'd think by now they would at least be in top 6 .. I bet they love the drip feed of crap and lap it up .. week in week out
  12. And finally a little recap Number 2 , Friday 2 April 2010 http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2010/apr/02/portsmouth-balram-chainrai-administration
  13. Heres a little recap from Thursday, 4 February 2010 - Chinneys 90% ownership including Fatpipes and future TV revenue. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/p/portsmouth/8497491.stm
  14. Debt owed as of March 2012 They owe CSI, the company who took them out of administration last year, around £11.2m. There is an unpaid bill of £2.3m to the taxman, £2.5m to other trade creditors, £5m to football creditors and a claim by the liquidator under the previous administration for between £8m and £16m. Has one penny been repaid yet ? Let alone 1st CVA
  15. I always find the smaller details of interest - this from PFK webiste 21 February 2013: A spokesman for PKF said: “We are pressing ahead with the case that is seeking the court’s consent for the disposal of Fratton Park to the PST. "The court has this morning confirmed that the case will be heard by 19 April at the latest, which will enable us to meet the Football League's deadline for the sale of the club, subject to a favourable ruling. We hope that, in the next few days, the court will be able to set a specific date for this hearing. This actual bit of wording some how always seems to be missed out when PST state they are ready to go - just how much more than £3m is un favorable ????
  16. Average rent is roughly 20k per year per 2000 Sq Feet - if as a rough estimate we say ole Fatpipes is 90,000 sq feet 900K per year I think ?
  17. I wonder if ole Justice "closing Down" Sales takes an average cost of industrial Sq Feet into consideration on his review - there has to be a benchmark for him to start off at surely ?
  18. Was it what PST want to pay ???
  19. Chatting to a good friend in commercial property rental / sales - average cost in Skatesville roughly is £250k per 2000 Sq Feet - how big is old fatpipes in Sq feet in wonder ?
  20. There is a man called Guy Who often comes out to cry He moans and groans No real signings but loans And no money from C S I
  21. Fatpipes park has a trust To pledge your grand is a must But the money you pay Won't see them play Next year the're all be bust
  22. http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/sport/pompey/pompey-court-hearing-to-go-ahead-1-4809745 These so called journalists at the Snooze - does ANYONE actually proof read an article prior to publication - The grammar and spelling is just unbelievable FFS surely the minimum requirement for a journalist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Just can't see old "Closing Down" Justice Sales going against Chinny here - if he does I think we will see more court appearances and appeals - Time is just running out fast
  24. Echo = Positive story = Getting in good books = ?
  25. WHAT - not wanting to chat with the respected News - how amateurish is this guy ???????????????
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