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  1. http://www.mkdons.com/news/article/barker-to-assist-robinson-1452752.aspx Didn't take Ricky long to get a new job
  2. The Snooze has gone into .................
  3. But the vote to appoint Ronnie Barker was a split decision - no knock out punchers here . The best man for the job , has all the qualities of Skate manager More players Spend more money **** poor results
  4. The Snooze has gone into meltdown - PFC is a gift that just keeps on giving , RB if he gets sacked which i don't think they will do, can we send him a little gift , maybe a pair of Saints tracksuit bottoms for the entertainment he is providing ?
  5. And so, a loan player who has never held the position before - made team captain for the Fleetwood game
  6. I like this quote from the man himself " Purpose flourishes when teams are able to work collaboratively, and flounders when it is driven by ego; the sense that “me” outweighs the sense of “we”.
  7. It's a game of football FFS - If your unhappy go and support Totton or Eastleigh - if it was not for the likes of ML buying the club we most probably be playing Eastleigh or Totton now, no club in the premier league is run to suit the fans , get over it
  8. Upset some one already ffs http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25975251
  9. Personally think the premier league was to much of a step up for him - maybe better off in Italy - it's what he's used to
  10. A little add up - works out at just over 100k a month for 40 months on wages - plus the dated lump sums due - could buy a cup for that , oh hold a moment .....
  11. Tal Ben Haim - £20k a month ouch - what a hero !!!!!
  12. Outrageous suggestion
  13. Just can't see the PP being used for other purposes that the agreements laid down in the Fratton Rosetta Stone commandments Please no suggestions that the finances are written on fag packets thinking that money we get - can use some of that now because it will be topped up with their promotion push -
  14. best bit of the statement "spoken to our manager" - Not head of a department, not my manager or the manager and I have no doubt there are her words - not a drafted statement.
  15. Sharing pictures of a summer tour of Canada I expect.
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