Took me a till January to sign anyone although I offered them lots of money. I managed to sign James Morrison from WBA and Billy Sharp from Donny.
Current team (4-1-2-1-2);
Murty Thomas Jaidi Harding
Morrison Holmes
Sharp Lambert
They are all knackered but winning games the only games I have lost have been when I played my second string.
5 minutes added on and they score a beauty in the 96th minute seemed they had their Fergie time today. We need Thomas or Murty back badly, and Holmes down the left for some much needed width.
Lallana was like a man possesed tonight really impressive.
Burnout Paradise is a great game with lots of replay value.
Dead Space I would also reccommend it's lots of fun and a great horror game also it fills the gap nicely untill Resident Evil 5 comes out.
I just read this and I'm shocked I can only think mabye it was Stoke, Hull or WBA getting desperate.
Mabye it was Man City wanting to reunite the WP brothers together.
I just read this and I'm shocked I can only think mabye it was Stoke, Hull or WBA getting desperate.
Mabye it was Man City wanting to reunite the WP brothers together.
Mabye we should start giving our POTS award to our ****e players (e.g. Thomas), then we might shift them instead of our best. If we don't replace him we'll be fooked.