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Dimond Geezer

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Everything posted by Dimond Geezer

  1. I drive from Bitterne Park to Woolston, then walk over the Itchen Bridge, I used to get the shuttle bus over the bridge and on a good day the driver would drop us by the mega-store so I only had to walk about 200 yards each end (that’s probably why I’m on the cusp of obesity ). Mind you I probably walk further from Woolston than I would from home in Bitterne Park now that our great leader has stopped the shuttle. I doff my proverbial cap to those of you that travel from outside the city boundary to watch the rubbish we’ve been served this season. :smt038
  2. It was indeed called Celebration Plaza, my wife celebrated her birthday in there, the birthday package consisted of a meal (that was ok as a mate of mine was head chef at the time), a bottle of fizzy stuff, a cake, a helium balloon, a picture of MLT & Mike Osman and a cassette (remember them) of Mike Osman doing stand-up. Prior to MLT owning the place it was the cattle market known as Turpins, where as I said earlier in the thread you were gauranteed a grope (at least). Thats where I met the current Mrs Geezer.
  3. Friday night was The Frog & Frigate , followed by a long/winding walk up to Larbies in Bedford Place for a kebab, then around the corner to the Escape Club, as this was the only place you get into in a sweaty Frog & Frigate t-shirt and a pair of beer stained jeans. Saturday night, on the pull at the Dog & Duck, followed by Thursdays, sometimes into The oriental, The London or Turpins, always gauranteed to cop a feel in there
  4. You've mised th obvious one: Lord Lowe could sing “A message you to Rudy”. I think he’s already heard it loud & clear though.
  5. Gerry Forrest, a very underatted player, alway solid for us. http://www.sporting-heroes.net/football-heroes/displayhero_club.asp?HeroID=17770
  6. I’ve been a Saints supporter since 1976 after the FA cup win, (a true glory boy, mind you, I was eight) , I’ve been a ‘fan’ since about 1979 when I attended my first game, (a friendly against Vancouver White Caps) going regularly from about 1981ish. I’ve been privileged to see some fantastic football & some legendary players (and over used word now days, but perfectly apt for the likes of Keegan, Ball, Shilton, Worthington, MLT etc.). My oldest son first saw SFC in 2002, when I would pick & choose games for him to attend, he loved it, the first defeat he saw was the FA Cup final, at least he has seen some prem football & some talented & well known players (not just saints but opposition players also). My youngest son has only known CCC football, having a season ticket for the last 2 years, he’s bored, only generally known defeats & misery. He doesn’t want to watch SFC anymore & who can blame him, when his mates support Chelsea, Man U etc. I fear that SFC may be loosing a whole generation of supporters, and it really saddens me that my boys will probably not see top class football and experience the joy & excitement that I had when I was their age. Christ, typing this has made me feel really depressed, :smt022 I’m off to the Itchen Bridge, there’s a phone number for the Samaritans somewhere up there.
  7. I believe he now frequents "The Bosuns Locker" - formerly the Juniper Berry
  8. I met Neil Ruddock in the Frog & Frigate on a Friday night (it was close season). He was with a couple of mates. He was quite happy to chat & even bought us a round of drinks. At the time The Ugly Inside was running a competition where you had to guess Frannies nickname. He spilt the beans, it was Mehmet, after the kebab shop owner in Eastenders. I also saw Jimmy Case in the bakers in Bedford Place on several occasions – deaf aid fitted neatly in place – not the sort of thing you expect a pro-footballer to be wearing. I also saw Kevin Keegan in his smashed-up Landrover. If memory serves me, someone took to it with a baseball bat, although he wasn’t a SFC then (circa 1990?) My mates Dad was a cabbie and was sent by SFC to get Frank Worthington, as he was late for training, he came wandering from his flat, in slippers & satin robe.
  9. First ever post - here goes: I think Flowers got sent off, whilst being carried off on a stretcher
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