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Dimond Geezer

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Everything posted by Dimond Geezer

  1. Good luck and thanks Killer. The last of our Prem players now gone
  2. I remember it crystal clear. I was walking home from school & was about 200 yds from home. A car pulled up next to me & the driver wound down his window, I thought I was about to be abducted by the local weirdo. He asked me if I was a Saints fan, and if I'd heard the news. I said I hadn't. When he told me I thought he was pulling my chain. I legged it home & told my mum that a stranger had told me we'd signed KK, she then proceeded to chastise me for talking to strangers.
  3. I can. He probably thought he would have been next, 3 teenagers taking on 1 oldish bloke isn’t a fair fight. Kids nowadays have no respect for authority, be it the Police or an older person. If I had been doing something I shouldn’t and an adult appeared, let alone said anything, I stopped what I was doing, at least until he had gone. Say anything today & you’ll do well just to get a mouthful of abuse thrown at you.
  4. Don't care as long as it's away to a London team. Mrs Geezer has booked to see a show in London on the Friday night, staying in a hotel ready for a jolly day out in the big smoke on the Saturday. I'm sure she wouldn't mind a bit of shopping whilst I went for beer & footy
  5. I believe he once lived in a riverside appartment in Whitworth Rd, off the Triangle.
  6. I thought the inflatable escape chutes detach to form a raft
  7. It also has this at the top of it: Last Updated: Monday, 4 September 2006, 09:52 GMT 10:52 UK
  8. How the mighty have fallen. What a great day that was, despite the result, that was the first game my son (6 years old at the time) had seen us loose. We didn’t quite have enough matches under our belts to ‘earn’ the right to purchase tickets, so had to go through an agency and bought 2 tickets for £375 each. Our tickets were originally meant for the London FA, hence we were sat in the front row surrounded by Arse fans, Saints end though, on the wings. At the final whistle my lad burst into tears, and the big bloke next to him (Arse fan) put his arm around him and said something like ‘maybe next year’, which was a lovely gesture considering he had a Saints flag in his face for most of the game. Incidentally that entire day cost me near on £1000, I still haven’t told Mrs Geezer. I’m glad we went though as I think it will be a long time ‘till were back there.
  9. Pete Murray, Colin Bennet, Jim Maidment, Bernie Snagg, Fish Robertson, Steve Parish, Nicky Drew, Kevin Grace, Alan Hindmarch, Tony Whithead, Tont Highmore, Pete Lane.... Cant remember anymore. I was fan great entertainment on a Saturday evening
  10. Probably London Irish at the Mad Stad
  11. Already available, hopefully they've managed to sort out the problems you get when hatching, doubt it though hatching has been crap since R12. :mad:
  12. Me too, Adams Park is a nightmare. Rugby World Cup at St Marys - Bring it on I've been getting a little disillusioned with football lately, (players wages, players falling over whenever an opponent comes within 2 yards of them, players arrogance, not to mention the whole SFC circus of recent months). I would love to see top class Rugby at St Marys . My 2 lads both play Rugby and love it and despite being ST holders it's been difficult to get them along to matches lately, especially the youngest one. He played at Adams Park recently in a half-time exhibition match and really enjoyed it. Before the missiles get primed for launching I'm not advocating it should be Rugby played exclusively at St Marys, but a ground share would be good. Tin hat on - sand bags filled.
  13. Fair enough, I've never heard the show before, the radio was left tuned in from the game on Sunday & I couldn't be arsed to change it. He may be right wing, but in this case I agree with him (for the record I've always voted Labour Hmmmm... :confused:). I'm sure anyone earning £8K and above could spare a little cash from their coffers.
  14. This was discussed by Mark & Stuart Dennis on Wednesday evening, I was surprised that no-one on here started a thread about it yesterday – I can’t ‘cause I’m too tight to stump up a fiver. Mark Dennis was apoplectic that none of the players had offered to defer. They interviewed someone from the Echo about this who said that the reported cuts by Euell & Davies was just media hype & completely untrue. He said that SFC had approached other Chanpionship clubs for advice (why?), and were advised that it would be bad for morale – (if they’ve played with high morale for the last few weeks Christ knows where we’d finished if the players had been upset – bless’em. For my part, I’d have thought the senior players should have OFFERED to take a pay cut, not wait to be asked by the club, administrator, whoever.
  15. No injuries to report, but when Pahars scored against the skates, I jumped around like a loon and my mobile flew out of my coat pocket and bounced down the steps - I was picking up bits from 4 or 5 rows in front of me. My youngest lad slipped over on a patch of water outside one of the lavies and bruised his knee - spent 20 minutes in the company of the nice ladies from St Johns.
  16. lol'd in the office - got a few comments
  17. I wouldn’t want MLT, or for that matter Franny to get involved, both are held in high esteem by the fans of this club. Ultimately all managers fail (with one or two exceptions), and when the inevitable happens their legendary status will be tarnished. Jason Dodd is an example of this, and he was only a coach/temporary co-manager. Neither have had any real coaching/managerial experience, they will need to learn on the job, they are bound to make mistakes. Managers don’t get the chance to ‘bed-in’ anymore, as soon as results take a turn for the worst fans start screaming for blood and the chairman (whoever that may be) starts searching the boardroom for the hatchet. I’ve always thought it a bad idea for ex-players to go back and manage clubs where they were successful players, I think Shearer will suffer at the hands of the Geordies when they (hopefully) get relegated.
  18. I believe David Puckett was working for the Solent University, at least he played for the staff team in a friendly a couple years ago, played midfiled and totally ran the game, but didn't score against me . Had a drink with him afterwards, top bloke. According to Wiki Ken Armstrong is a social worker & Rod Wallace was appointed assistant manager of Kingstonian FC's under 18 side in 2008. As for Gerry Forrest can't help, but he was one of my all time faves, always in control and steady
  19. Thanks to Jim Bergarac for the heads up, I set the recorder, and was reminded of days gone by & things you no longer see at footy: Managers sharing the same bench, polyester tracksuits, Adidas sports bags with a shoulder strap (I had one of those – red & white of course), buckets of water for the sponge man, churned up pitches & consequently goalies with muddy kits, no one gets muddy anymore, if they do, they change at half time, Linesmen (not refs assistant) that would kick the ball back to the players (on one occasion a linesman went and retrieved the ball from behind the goal line), nowadays they wont even put a foot out when it rolls 6 inches past them. Tight fitting shirts & shorts (one for the ladeez) Great to see Stevie Williams playing, I knew his girlfriend at the time & asked her for his autograph, he duly obliged with a team photo signed by all the players. You can actually read the signatures (something else that you don’t see any more, autographs now just consist of a wobbly line with one or two discernable letters in them) I don’t remember much about Terry Curran, how good was he? He seemed to spend most of the match on his arse.
  20. Agree completely, he even dropped back to centre-back for 10 minutes or so during the Cardiff game, can't see Rasiak being willing to do that.
  21. I don’t know if anybody else has mentioned this is this thread (or any other), and I apologise if it has, but I couldn’t believe the comments in the programme on Saturday from Mo Gimbel (sp), the physio. He alluded to the lack of preparation before games when JP was in charge. I don’t have the programme to hand, so this is all from memory, but in essence the players would eat what they wanted at home, and arrive at the ground about an hour before the game, (not sure how true the last bit is because that would be 2pm!), and the pre-pre-match warm-up (the one in the changing room before the players come out and kick the balls into the crowd), was not encouraged & kept to a minimum. I came to the opinion that JP was a nice guy, but a bit out of his depth, however this sort of thing is plain stupid, surely in this day and age 99% of the posters on this forum, let alone a professional sports coach, could work out that this is not conducive to a fit sportsman. It appears Wotte has now put a proper regime into practise, which it appears the players are happier with. I did lol at Mick Channon leaving the players lounge after the 2.45 race, changing and getting on with the match with hardly any prep.
  22. Oops I forgot the most important thing: Engineers design things, (buildings, roads, computers, washing machines etc) and usually run the project through to its conclusion, Technicians implement the Engineers design & make the subject of the design 'work' in a practical way, and get the blame when it goes pear shape!
  23. Engineers have professional qualifications and are members of professional bodies. They have achieved this via university or many years of vocational training followed by a 7 hour exam, on the passing of which leads to an interview with the aforementioned prof. body and would expect to earn in the region of £40-50k A Technician would have qualifications such as HNC/HND and would expect to earn £35-40k Someone who mends your washing machine, or fixes your car is not an engineer, at best they are Techicians, although they should be described as fitters. Engineers in this country are treated with very little respect, whereas in Europe, and the States they are seen as being on a par with solicitors etc.
  24. It’s nothing more than banter. A very good friend of mine is welsh, when he answers the phone to me he doesn’t say hello etc he ‘baaaaaas’ at me. He is the MD of a small company and when I received his xmas card this year it consisted of a flock of sheep running down a hill. His response to having the **** taken out of it was “I’ve not lost it, they’re running towards me, not away” and then proceeded to tell me which one he fancies the most. I seem to recall that the Swansea fans were waving inflatable sheep when we played them. I really don’t think the Taffs are that bothered about it!
  25. Yeah I know, I'm just too tight to pay for it, especially when I've got 2, sometimes 3 kids in tow
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