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Dimond Geezer

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Everything posted by Dimond Geezer

  1. On a similar theme, the Geezer clan can't make the game this week, but I have given our season tickets to a mate & his two kids, the only problem is that my mate has a daughter, I have 2 boys, with very boyish names. How vigilant are the stewards when it comes to checking names on season tickets and if they do rumble her will they let her in? These are three people that have never been to watch Saints before, so it's not as if they will be losing any money from this as they wouldn't be going otherwise, and you never know, they may like what they see & want to come again.
  2. I bought a window of a similar size from B&Q, I had to order it specially as it's a bespoke size, although not frosted glass, it cost me about £80. I was quoted about £70 by an independent window fitter (found in yellow pages) to fit it. I did it myself yesterday, took me & my old man (neither of us are window fitters, or buildres etc) about an hour - dead easy.
  3. Not unexpected, but still very sad to hear. RIP Sir Bob, last of the footballing gents.
  4. How could I forget about him, :confused: I went to school with him.
  5. I’ve been trawling the memory banks, (it’s a quite day at work.) Another London Street – Kevin Bond A Village – John Burridge A bird - Egil Ostenstadt A Fruit – David Peach A City – Peter Wells A Shoe manufacturer – Colin Clark A copse – Gerry Forrest And the Wright brothers - Jermaine, Mark, & Richard
  6. I remember Mark Whitlock being called Albert by the players, presumably to distinguish him from the other Marks we had in the same defence (Dennis & Wright).
  7. That's a real shocker, and quite disturbing and sad to see.
  8. Fantastic news, me and the nippers will be going, both of them play and absolutly love it. Rugby players show a lot more respect for each other (after a game ) than footballers ever do, the top players always stop and speak to the kids, (I've had the pleasure of meeting Vickery, Robinson, Sakey & Delagio, all have been top blokes & have plenty of time for the kids), and you don't get chavvy parents with bulldog tattoos on their legs, & sovereign rings, screaming at their kids to 'kick the f***er' :smt102and bollocking the ref for getting something wrong.
  9. Fag packets - you were lucky, in my day in was beer cans & piles of dog ****, lost count of how many times I cleared crap from my goal-mouth before a game (I used to flick it away with the corner flag) On the subject of blades, I seem to remember Sir Alex banning his players from wearing them after a few of them got nasty cuts in training.
  10. I agree, I thought that 'back in the day' of propper numbers the number 4 was traditionally a defensive midfielder. I think Jimmy Case wore 4.
  11. Last post of the day so I'm done.
  12. There's bugger all there of any scientific value or significance. There is no justification spending billions on sending anyone back to collect more rocks/dust, of which we have plenty, or take photos of old space junk left by previous missions just to justify said missions. I happened accept it and move on. ](*,)
  13. The flag waving was not caused by wind, and is it actually exacerbated by the lack of wind. The flag is mounted on an aluminium pole, with a horizontal aluminium arm across the top to keep the flag ‘flying’ rather than hanging down, as it wound in a vacuum. The waving of the flag is explained by the natural ‘spring’ in the supporting frame (pole & arm). When the astronauts planted the flag (and whenever they walked close to it) this would cause the frame to spring (or wobble), this wobble is transferred to the flag and makes it look like it is waving. The lack of atmosphere means there is no air resistance to stop the flag from flapping, and it would continue to flap until the energy causing the vibration in the pole/arm had naturally dissipated into the moons surface. Originally Posted by nickh Isnt there alos a radiation belt between the earth and moon that would kill humans? The Van something belt It’s the Van Allen belt, and I can’t remember exactly, but it is either a local effect, which they didn’t pass through, or the effect on humans is insignificant when passing through it at speed.
  14. Well pleased with this, I didn't see that one coming. A manager with experience, and also someone I've heard of, unlike most managers in the lower leagues. Just one thing though - is he definately 47, he seems to have been around for years.
  15. To avoid paying for first aid courses & avoiding the possibility of litigation you could sign up with the ambulance service to become a Community Responder. The deal with this is you are assigned to a local group and when 999 is called, you get called also. First to the scene wins. I work out in the sticks where it cam take an ambulance a while to get to an incident and signed up to a local group. You get full accident emergency training right up to using a defib & oxygen therapy equipment, and you’re covered by the ambulance service insurance. There are times when you will be on-duty, however this will be at times convenient to yourself, for me it is 2 mornings a week during office time. If you happened to be 'off-duty' and see an incident that you can help out at,( ie the bloke sat in front of you at St Marys has a heart attack because Saints have won ), you call 999, report the incident and ask to be logged on as a Community Responder, hence you are then covered insurance wise.
  16. There isn't a deposit, the price is divided by 5. The first payment is now, the other 4 are monthly. I guess it won't be interest free if you don't fully pay your credit card bill. I do, so it'll be interest free for me.
  17. I've just bought my tickets on the 0800 number. When paying by credit card, the total cost of your tickets will be spread over 5 equal instalments. The first is taken now, the 4 subsequebt payments will be taken from the same card (or different if you wish) around the 1st of each month.
  18. Didn't see the whole piece, but I thought she was a Reading fan at So'ton General Hosp. Maybe wrong, but if it was SGH, maybe he was passing on his way to St Marys, possibly to be measured up for a kit.
  19. Defo, Me + the nippers will all renew. The youngest is not keen, but I will get him one anyway (it was only £50 last year).
  20. Top bloke. I just wonder how lenient the Plod/courts would have been if the house owner had been a strong, fit 30 year old and done the same thing. My guess is he would have been arrested and charged with assault.
  21. Driving to Cardiff with my lad (6 at the time), with scarves & flags on the car, it was the first game he saw saints lose, and he was devastated, :smt022 mind you he’s seen plenty since. Another great memory is when we demolished Coventry 8-2 at the Dell in 1980-something. Hatricks from Danny Wallace & Steve Moran plus a rare goal from my hero at the time, Frankie Worthington. Can’t remember who scored the other goal, can anyone help me out?
  22. I thought Springsteen was great. There was a Saints flag right in the middle of the crowd near the front, it got plenty of tele time
  23. Psycho, I'm far too young to remember Dennis Hollywood.
  24. He has one cap. GK: Budgie Burridge LB: Dennis RB: Gerry Forrest CB: Mark 'Albert' Whitlock Mid field General: Case
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